High tier exo with other blocks

Exo’s made of marble, glass, brick, etc. This would be fun to rotate into the loop ever so often to kind of keep the markets in check. Even some of Lucent crafted blocks would be good or oort blocks.


An exo made of Lucent Gem blocks?

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It would be lagtacular


Why? Because too many people would go there to get them?

I would personally LOVE to see actual ruins prefabs made with chiseled blocks that are usually player-crafted.
I would also LOVE to be able to submit prefabs to the devs.


That would an amazingly fun planet to play “Pac-Man” on with our aoe tools lol

Just looking for something different something unique you know not talking all the time either just something to drain away some of the mind numbing repetition. Random blocks would put some excitement back into the exo’s because you never know what it could be. Just looking for that excitement again that I felt when I went to my first exo’s you know.

The sad truth is, you will probably never quite get that excitement back. First time with a new system is always the most exciting. Even if they start switching up blocks, it’ll still just be a case of new blocks, same content (unless your proposed excitement is actually derived from the shortcut of obtaining expensive blocks cheaply, then I’d definitely disagree with it as a concept).

Exos could still be more fun to explore, but I think that would take new mobs, new mechanics, or a new system that uses a hugely expanded prefab library to make sure there was always something new to see. Realistically, even those things would get dull after a while.

I think you are right, the most fun moment for me is the day when game just release officially.
Me and my group we started at grovidias te to build our first guild house, and explore to find out the resource. Trying to travel cross every planet with limited money. (No any portal hub = No econ world)
Also its fun to see portal seeker build all the hub and UIltima’s first huge city in such short time.

I also sold power coils for my first huge income as well XD

I think they can create the second universe instead of more planet.
We can start with new character to settle there, and that universe has different rule and monster.
For example forge gear won’t be able to use there, you will get other type of method to do all the gathering. It can connect to our current universe, so both universe can exchange the items they both need .

I think it will be nice for players who were asking for wipe or players who want to experience the world without any powerful guild. At least you have 2 weeks to experience everything without any hub build up :rofl:

So not to get high tier blocks just to get something different you know instead of go grab this rock color or that rack color everytime time it’s become dull. We just need new content in general the beacon system, private planets, and creative have really taken over everything. No gleam bow, have not seen new creatures, no titans, no spear or shield, and really nothing new that has been shared via concept art. Really it’s just the same stuff over and over I have put a lot of time into the game like a lot of people have and I have to say I need something new not something rehashed.

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If I understand that sentence, then yes, that accurately describes my opinion. Allowing a planet with seams of marble, for example, would devalue the time and effort that people put into creating it the normal way, especially if they were farmable in bulk with regen bombs (which they would be, if it was just switching out block types to make them unique).

Otherwise, I do agree with you. It very much sounds like you need something truly new in order to get that special feeling from Boundless again.

I want one made entirely of bedrock! :black_circle:
wouldn’t hurt the economy, only feelings


Some old playing around…

Another one…



You wouldve loved elopor(or was it epsilo) in EA.
. There was these trees that had some prefab ruins features… included lanterns. Bricks. Refined blocks etc.

Those were pretty nice back then. And good way to get lanterns as wild object :smiley:

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I think prefab ruins submitted by players would bring exos to the next level. They could be non-harvestable so people could use fancy blocks. Or non regennable.

Aren’t exo-worlds non-regennable to begin with? You can use regen-bombs on exo-worlds?
‘cause I thought you couldn’t. ^^’

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Yes you can use regen bombs, but the planet itself does not regen and neither do the resources, just the blocks. So gleam will regen with a bomb but a diamond seam will not regen ever.

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Ah, good to know! Thanks!