How can I see how many hours played?

Thanks!! At some point I’m going to take you up on that, almost scared to ask though… :rofl:

Leave yourself in the sanctum tonight and update us tomorrow :slight_smile:

I do idle out occasionally or get distracted IRL but I’ve never attempted to ‘pad’ this number. To be honest I take it more as a warning than a trophy, most of the time. i also have a spotty connection and frequently disconnect. I don’t think I could idle over night I rarely make an hour.

Boundless has cost me more sleepless nights than I ought to admit. Still, usually loving every minute of it. I don’t build often any more but if anyone finds themselves wondering how some amazing stuff seems to pop up over night, it’s mostly just gallons of caffeine and what I call the “builder’s trance”. Maybe a sprinkling of RSI.


I know I’m nearing 5k… my eyes see pixels in real life now… but this includes before EA… god only knows how many hours people like @Havok40k and the old guard have…


Steam simply counts how long the .exe has been running. Have confirmed that sanctum idling does increase the count.

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If this also includes the time when the boundless window is forgotten behind a web browser showing me nothing but “The server was unresponsive and your character could not be returned to the sanctum” then I expect that when he’s around James will give me a much “healthier” looking number.

September 7 when it was pre-released (official release for non preorders was 11th), so 256 days including today.

Means I played about 15.6 hours a day. I’m sick, at home all day, and a crappy sleeper. When reasonably doing ok I sleep about 6 hours (sometimes 5, 5.5).

So yeah, I think it’s kinda correct!

Also, I ehh, spent a week in hospital when I did not play on my PS4, did however play on Steam account, got 80 hours there too :smiley:

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If I tend to go afk for longer than 5 minutes I log off…

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Maybe I broke something.


This has me puzzled. I’m just about through the last episode of westworld right now, and between this thread and this one:

I’m starting to wonder if maybe Nightstar is up to something…

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Are you talking about yourself in the 3rd person? Are you really Nightstar Nightstar-impersonator!?



I’ll take both please and thanks!


1067 for me!

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1396 :sweat_smile: a bit higher than i expected

Uh. I found out my hours and I’m disgusted in myself. Lol. Note to self. Don’t ask how many hours I’ve put in again. Lol. :man_facepalming:


My play time is lower than most on here, but still way too high!

Also don’t forget discord and forum hours

I have prolly more in discord than ingame lol

1,276 hours for me. :sunglasses: