How can I see how many hours played?

4000 hours! That’s 167 days or 23.8 weeks or 5.5 months, mind boggling!

Over what period of time is this?

She’s a ps4 player so probably since early launch on ps4

If my work schedule hadn’t changed I’d probably be not that far behind. {shakes fist at work}


Surely that’s alot of AFK time… I’ve been playing since 2 weeks into the game and playing excessively like 12-15 hours a day :nerd_face:
But other than that 4000 hours is impressive

If she found out from a dev there is no afk or sanctum time included in that

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Yes they is, all time is included as i had that discussion also

According to James in my convo with him he said it’s not included. Unless he got my time from a different spot.

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Steam tracks “application is open time”.

Boundless tracks “events triggered in the game”. So the numbers will be different. The Boundless time is more likely activity. But it’s possible being AFK in the game world is still included.

PM me if you want to know your totals…


So since September then. That means that in the 8 months since launch, she’s spent 5.5 months playing Boundless, leaving 2.5 months for sleeping, eating and living. That can’t be right?

I believe it. She barely sleeps. Tho I don’t know what the rest of her life is like. I can say that I used to spend as much time playing this game in a week as I did work till my schedule changed.

With the caveat mentioned by james above, my steam total is currently 3386 hours since Oct 15.
I’ve requested my boundless-tracked total but I’m sure he’s had a flood of PMs today.

I didn’t think steam was counting idling in sanctum, but that’s perhaps a misimpression taken from the in-game timers that you can view.

Thanks!! At some point I’m going to take you up on that, almost scared to ask though… :rofl:

Leave yourself in the sanctum tonight and update us tomorrow :slight_smile:

I do idle out occasionally or get distracted IRL but I’ve never attempted to ‘pad’ this number. To be honest I take it more as a warning than a trophy, most of the time. i also have a spotty connection and frequently disconnect. I don’t think I could idle over night I rarely make an hour.

Boundless has cost me more sleepless nights than I ought to admit. Still, usually loving every minute of it. I don’t build often any more but if anyone finds themselves wondering how some amazing stuff seems to pop up over night, it’s mostly just gallons of caffeine and what I call the “builder’s trance”. Maybe a sprinkling of RSI.


I know I’m nearing 5k… my eyes see pixels in real life now… but this includes before EA… god only knows how many hours people like @Havok40k and the old guard have…


Steam simply counts how long the .exe has been running. Have confirmed that sanctum idling does increase the count.

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If this also includes the time when the boundless window is forgotten behind a web browser showing me nothing but “The server was unresponsive and your character could not be returned to the sanctum” then I expect that when he’s around James will give me a much “healthier” looking number.

September 7 when it was pre-released (official release for non preorders was 11th), so 256 days including today.

Means I played about 15.6 hours a day. I’m sick, at home all day, and a crappy sleeper. When reasonably doing ok I sleep about 6 hours (sometimes 5, 5.5).

So yeah, I think it’s kinda correct!

Also, I ehh, spent a week in hospital when I did not play on my PS4, did however play on Steam account, got 80 hours there too :smiley:

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If I tend to go afk for longer than 5 minutes I log off…

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Maybe I broke something.


This has me puzzled. I’m just about through the last episode of westworld right now, and between this thread and this one:

I’m starting to wonder if maybe Nightstar is up to something…

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