How do I make a permanent warp?

I ended up using all my coins warping from my house to a friends, so I was wondering how to make a permanent warp so I don’t have to spend all my coins.

Portal conduits (refined rock, timber and spark)

A portal on each side ( the destination and the origin)

And oort shards made of oort stones on the extractor, to power it.

Thanks, how do you get refined rock?

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Still need coins to warp ii I’m not wrong.

Not if you make a portal. Then you just need to keep it alive

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ah, so. So you get charged for portal only when not using your own or what? When I used portals to other planets (not mine portals) I got charged 200 coins.

It’s a portal, not a warp. A portal uses Oort shards every hour, but no coins

ok, I’ll have to hunt down some info about portals :smiley: thanks

There are two types of conduit blocks; Warp Conduits, and Portal Conduits.

Warp Conduits are the bluish black blocks, like the one you see on the right in Sanctum. These are one way hops that stay open from one end for a brief period. You are charged 100 coins per planetary hop each time you use a Warp Conduit.

As there is already a complete portal always ready to be used in Sanctum, the only reason you’d place these blocks in the world is for group travel.

Portal Conduits are the white blocks with the same texture as the Warp Conduits. These require two identical portals to be opened.

You take a token from one end and place it in the other. You’ll also be required to fuel the portal with Oort Shards, which are extracted from Oort Stones.

Portals stay open as long as they are fuelled, and do not require an additional fee to use.

I recommend @Jiivita’s tutorials on Warps and Portals, you can find his videos here;