How do large cities rent out their plots?

I notice some of the large cities will allow for people to plot a small piece of land. How does this work? Does the owner simply remove a couple plots from the designated area and the new person plots right there? Are they renting it out? Or is the owner giving it away for free in exchange for possible footfall traffic and such?

As part of the capital on Pheminorum, BlackLight, what I have done is built roads all over the place with sections of plots in the network, and then I just unclaim those sections for players that want to build there

I think they have multiple beacons with X amounts of plots attached to each and just give certain permissions to each. You build the shop and run that and they get the footfall.
I think some do unplot and allow you to plot it though but I guess it depends on the individual and if they are wanting a certain theme.

By he gods… that would take a lot of trust…

Trust in what way? … If you divide a hundred plots up into small packets with 2-3 plots attached to their own beacon and you build the roads between them. Or do you mean trust on the part of the person building the shop on the plots owned by the beacon owner?

I’m pretty sure the beacons are owned by the renter…not the property owner.

@Elrood . I’m not sure how much harm a renter can really do with the plot? They are surrounded by the owner’s land so they can’t expand horizontally. Just vertically

in EA i had a way off building aquatopia that let me own the homefront and leave it wild behind the facade lets you have city free to plot but you control the design and ya can close off trollshops etc replace abandoned beacons with art our portal spot its good solution


I contacted one of the founders of a particular city to see if there was anyplace I could set up a small shop and was told that there was space and that they can give me permission to use the plot/s. This obviously meant that they had full control of everything that I built there and although I could run my own shop from their plot it still meant that I had to have full trust in that they won’t revoke those permissions at any time. Not that I didn’t trust the person but It wasn’t the sort of arrangement I was comfortable with so had to decline.

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Aye. Yeah, I can see the skepticism especially in a sandbox game. It’s a tough situation because either the owner has full trust and gives full rights to the renter, as is the case with Black Light. Or the renter has full trust of the owner and trust their word that they won’t get screwed over


Can’t remember if I suggested this before or not but I think it would be nice to have some sort of official beacon leasing mechanism in game. Then the devs can implement protections, like maybe landlords can evict bad renters but in turn renters get some guaranteed time to collect their stuff if they do get evicted.

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I’m not a big city owner or anything, but me and my friend built a Hamlet on Lasaina, when someone asked for build in town we just sectioned a portion of the land off with a separate beacon and then added them into those Beacon Permissions.