How does Traveller’s Perch looks like?

Simple, how does Traveller’s Perch looks like? I can’t find it anywhere (i focus on Beservona, because I read it is there somewhere).

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Would like to know as well - Someone in our guild is working on a picture guide on how the different plants look like - if you do happen to find it, could you take a screenshot for me so I can give it to him :stuck_out_tongue: ?

Sure, if i find it, i’ll post it here. If i ever for the love of god, find it :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll make sure to do the same in case that happens xD

Like this (but with colour!)



Don’t think they are any in the current universe


I didn’t see it anywhere either, and I was to every biome in every planet.

Used to be very abundant in certain biomes on Munteen VII, but I haven’t seen it in the new universe.

I’ve seen a few, don’t remember where, maybe they were the other one though

I see them all the time when looking for Twisted Abola on Besevrona.

Can you please post a screenshot here?

It looks like the white picture above. A giant plant about the size of your character.

Can you post a coords for any you ecounter? I want to go there to just find out what biome they’re in.

I would get a picture but i’m really tired and not ingame right now. If nobody else has by the time I wake up I may go looking for one and do so.

I don’t mean now :slight_smile: I mean when and if you encounter one again :slight_smile:

I’ll see what I can do. For all I know it may not even be Traveler’s Perch. But that picture above, I’ve seen that plant quite a few times. So when I wake up and if I remember… should be easy cause of forum i’ll go check it out

It might be the purple one from this post “Art: Ultra-wide Boundless image” that you see around in besevrona. The TRaveler`s Perch is the big picture one.

It looks like this :smiley: