How does world tax and settlement tax work?

If I own it do I pay the settlement tax? Who get’s the world tax?

Seth -

The World tax is not in game yet.

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Ok, thank you! How will it work?

I think it would tax the entire planet’s population at once, acting as a money sink but I’m not sure.

For what i heard from other people who have played this game longer than myself. The tax is on every sale in that planet which would be shared between probably the top 5 settlements ranked by prestige.

If you lived in the capital and lets say it has 50% of the planets prestige, 50% of the tax from sales would go to your capital to be distributed between everyone that lives there. The amount between them would be based on their contribution to the total city prestige.

But then again, i only heard this from other people and i can’t seem to find an facts from the devs to back this up. feel free to ping them or search through the old threads maybe you will find something i missed.

My understanding is that this is supposed to act as the primary reward incentive to groups that build the most prestigious settlements. That becomes a bit contentious though, and it seems like the data load might potentially impact the server… my bet is that the concept will be scrapped but I am personally strongly in favor of it.


Well if you build a highly prestigious city but no one in the planet is selling anything you will get hardly any income that way anyhow. i thought @ctrl-64 mentioned there would be plot limits per-planet, per-person. So there is only so much you will be able to build in the live servers, no?

Yea I’d also be worried about the rich get richer effect but I do like the competition and having incentive to do it. :confused: So I don’t know!

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That concern could be countered by various upkeep costs (beacon fuel attempts resolve this slightly)
Taxes are typically collected by governments not for self enrichment, but to maintain expensive services for the citizenry such as a military, social services, infrastructure, etc. In Boundless, we only have infrastructure costs imposed by portal networks. Perhaps in the future, this is where we will see taxes most heavily utilized, perhaps not.

100% personal speculation.

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Does it cost more the more claims you have on a single beacon?

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You gave me the beginnings of a couple ideas. One is that the tax be distributed by proportion of population (rather than prestige) and it be paid in Oort Stones or whatever the heck portals are powered with (my bad memory strikes again) to the mayors on the planet who if fair distributes them among the residents. If they aren’t fair then many residents will move and taxes collected will fall. Let the mayors earn the support of the residents by being fair.

Another would be similar in giving planetary taxes to the top guild on the planet (or split between up to five guilds) in Oortian currency. The guild leaders (and could do the same with the mayors idea) could have a separate money account they can have a treasurer for or be the treasurer themselves. A monthly newsletter could be made on the forums for all residents showing what money went in and what money went out during the month for citizen accountability or news stands could be set up anyone can get it. The guild leader then purchases items to be put in guild storage to be used as needed by the public or handed out for worthwhile projects free as some of our wealthy (in mats) citizens already do with donations for cool things). This all helps make markets for goods too so helps the economy.

It’s just the start of an idea.



They don’t cost more, but a single city tends to have dozens of individual plots all requiring their own fuel. There is some degree upkeep cost to fueling all those individual plots, but that cost falls on the individual plot owners, and is fairly insignificant.

You should hang out with us in Discord.

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Nope, never said that :stuck_out_tongue:

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Maybe it was will :thinking: my bad. I got bad memories…

I don’t recall saying that either :joy:

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Well that definitely would suck because Prestige and Plot amount are unfair to everyone. Reward based on prestige will just result in people pushing to have most prestige via any means possible which is something we already saw with Gleam (until the change) and now Gold and Gems everywhere for prestige value. Also with some people having more plots than others because the upgraded their accounts then average people could not compete.


You’re looking the wrong direction my friend :wink:

When does your beacon recieve a share of the tax? My settlement has 6% of the world tax and my beacon is top in the settlement. We do quite a bit of trading within my settlement, but my beacon’s coin box has never received any coin from taxes. Is there a certain time we get taxes or is my settlement still just too small to get any?

That 6 month necro.

The 10% sales tax dissappears from the world as a cash sink.
No other forms of tax have been currently implemented