How many hunters use a Focus based build?

I do! My Hunter is a DPS build with all three epics for focus. Its not necessary but it’s so rediculously fun it’s worth it. I can fire any weapon literally as fast as I can click with HUGE damage. Here’s a copypasta from another thread about my focus Hunter

My Hunter has max vitality, with epic, max power with dmg epic, max slingbow and fist dmg, and carries top shelf fists (one-shot mighty creatures) and a shotty slingbow offhand to get up on the elite wildstocks and three shot em or thin out groups, also carry health bombs. On t6 solo hunts (me going all Texas Ranger by myself) I like to run criticaling pie, mega strength brew, and reviver brew. With that I can beat tier 3 meteors by myself 4 out of 5 times. I get ~30,000 dmg out of each hit with the fist and 40,000 up close with the shotty. Add in the focus epics and I get 52,000dmg per hit with the fist and 70,000dmg with the shotty. You need speed to always stay moving and ‘kite’ the mobs around and dodge attacks.

I don’t run any armor on him, better to spend the points on vitality, dmg, and speed