How old are You?

dayng smart people

Hit the nail right on the head.


same like zeathoros

13! :smiley:

Or you know 0 but your answer seems more likely.

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As a chaos daemon, I have existed for an eternity before this plane of existence ever came to be. I will exist even after it’s collapse.

Chaos is the only constant.

Short explenation:

10^2 means 1010 which equals 100. 1000.24=24

This is not so simple but a rule of thump when using logarithm is that 10^log10(number)=number so if you know this you can just cast a glance at it and know i am 18 :slight_smile:

for all the guys writtin in 1’s and 0’s they are using binary and then you need a binary translator.

81-9= 72
so rectangle = 9
so square=2
so triangle
so triangle=7.5

So his age=7.52+sqr(9)
and the squareroot of 9 is 3

Thinking back to my programming classes I remember this as the most cruel way to display a number:

int main()
    int y = 4;
    int x;
    x = y+++y++;
    printf("%d", ++x+y++);
    return 0;

missing assignment ?!

Come on over to Lapas we have an awesome, friendly community there and theres usually at least one other person on to keep you company :smiley: You can add me on steam and I’ll show you around some time!

Steam ID: semiroundpizza8

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It’s been proven that daemons and other advanced gods came into being milliseconds after the universe was created and not the week before like many claimed.

You’ve got some explaining on your hands.

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What compiler are you using? With the GNU C Compiler it works just fine.
BTW: Just running the code is kinda cheating, you should figure it out yourself :wink:

Visual Studio …

what should this line of code do ? is it like

y = ++y+y++;

i did it on paper … but this syntax is not familiar to me

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The blue part doesn’t do anything, its just to make it look more complicated (and apparently to mess with some compilers :smile: ), so it´s basically the same as ++y++;

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Guys, whatever you say about your ages, you are all wrong.

There is a true wisdom that’s saying: men can become 7 years old. From that point on they just grow…

But for the people who care about the common biological interpretation:
To find out my age…

  1. choose a number between 1 and 9 (both limitations included)
  2. Multiply this number with 9
  3. Calculate the cross sum
  4. Now multiply with 3.

Does C normally not complain that you add something but don’t store the value somewhere? 0.o

Yeah … exactly that was what confused me

ty for explanation :slight_smile: so you are 22 … tried to check it … but all “higher” compilers i have at hand don’t understand the syntax :smiley:

im 33 but i am still a kid when it comes to pc gaming my wife doesn’t understand it:

Almost, post increment means that first the result (++x+y) is calculated and then y gets increased by 1. So your quess is 1 too high.
@KuroKuma The program I use only gives you a note that you calculate something that you don´t use afterwards (along with a lot of other warnings because the code is pretty undefined and compiler depended).