How the devs can handle more players? (player brainstorm)

Brainstorm ideas on how to do it! the entire dev team can use the idea!

Here’s how I think more players would change the servers in their current state:

The servers can only handle a certain amount of data so they would have to change the world size in order to support more players.think of ways to get around this problem:

I’m slightly confused on the issue? Could you elaborate one what the problem is? Are you saying that an influx of players would put a strain on things because the planets are too small and we would end up with too many planets? So you’re suggestion is to increase the world size to keep the amount of individual planet/servers low?

Sorry just curious for more clarification on what the issue is because I haven’t heard about server issues before :sweat:

I think the devs can handle more players just fine. If we have an influx of players, more planets will be created. The issue is that the game is not pulling in large amounts of new players, but that might very well be because of whatever marketing strategy and plans the devs have. I would not be surprised to see a big influx of players after Titans drop. That would then complete the marketing trailer they have out and help prevent having too many complaints about an unfinished game. After that, this game will be poised to soar.

Alternative way to help the devs… buy gleam club. Boundless does not gave a strong strategy for profit sustainability. Hell, its an MMO with no subscription… theoretically everybody will outplay their contributed value from their original purchase unless they buy cubits or gleamclub, both of which being optional.


80 players a planet because the servers can only handle so much. the planets are 2 kilos big because the servers can only have so much stuff. they might have to remove a few chunks in order to support a few more players. i’m thinking of how to handle this problem.





Thats why they added height in character creation. If everyone is 20cm shorter, we can fit 15% more people!


Limit was 100 player per planet before the free weekend, then they lower it when lag hit popular planets.
Now it is 80 per planet.

Hopefully the work with server effectiveness will allow them to rise it back to 100 again.

I do not think the planet size have so much to do with the limit, the game only load a radius around the player ( i think…).

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Uhm im helping out already don’t know what to suggest. But might have invested some money already to get those damn plots :grin: and GC because im lazy and do separate a lot. (Already did in the past :grin: have way way way to much Plots now)

When rental is released it raises income to so…

I think they are doing pretty good. If they where not they would have started to fully promote the game.

They might need to add some more advanced power coils to the servers to up the effectiveness!!!


With the current player base they probably wouldn’t even need to add all 24 especially as the increase from a full set of advanced power coils becomes negligible :joy:

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Honestly if the devs could find a way to finance a Rockwell Retro Encabulator, I see good things in the game’s future


I think the idea is more that if too many people are mining, or regen bombing, or gathering in one place it overloads the server. I’m sure the servers could handle 200 people as long as they were spread out 4 to a region and they weren’t doing too much building or destroying or regenning

Though I don’t fully understand why a more powerful server couldn’t be used to handle more people. I’m sure servers must have gotten better in the 2y boundless is out now.

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I do not think it matters if the players are all together or not. Every player has to create a session on the server. So each player has to be sent all the data for what is going on around them. So more players means more sessions which means more data. I do not disagree that players that are engaging in activities that affect the area around them like reclaiming a large build or regen bombing are probably creating a larger data stream that could affect every one on the planet if enough players were doing it. I think the rubber banding on hunts is a reaction to so much happening in the session for the player and how well their system and internet connection are handling the data. This is why not everyone has the same rubber banding issues during a hunt.

I guess my question to some of the posts in the thread is why do we need a planet to handle more players at this time? Is it worth the cost to pay for larger servers for the few times when the planets reach capacity? I am curious if anyone has been denied access to a planet due to crowding anytime in the last few months?

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Not since last TNT drop event, before that was back way days of finata Ultima. So not recently for me.

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probably sharding and data federation and decentralized CDN

(idk what these words mean :slight_smile: just something I heard on a tv show)

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OMG… I thought only I knew about this fabulous machine!!!

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