How to Chisel a K

I’m trying to chisel the letter K. This is the best I can do so far. I want to chop out the angles so it’s more defined. What should I be doing?

I think you would have to angle the blocks from the mid-line between two blocks that form the horizontal on the left of the K. This would mean for what you have one arm would have to be longer than another, or you make the horizontal two or four high to get the arms even…

x x x

Simple iron chisel should help

maybe after this add more blocks and silver chisel them

this in 4by6 cubes with 1cube intersections

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These are the K’s that I could come up with, only using a Iron Bevel, Copper and Stone Chisel - hope this helps :slight_smile: 3x3 also, I assume thats what you’re working with?


Precise bevel chisel?


I’m not ingame to test out the advice but a little more info:

  • I’m working with a 3x3 grid and can’t go beyond that
  • I have access to Titan chisels and below. I tried all sorts of combos but couldn’t chisel them out at the angle I needed

Bento has the closest but that’s a 4x3. Ovis 3rd pic is close but the K is too “fat”.

This one is thinner, and uses silver chisel to get the middle bit. Upclose it looks odd, but from a medium distance (and if it was made from gleam) it would look fine :slight_smile:

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I don’t envy you trying to make a nice looking 3x3 K, unless you’re fine with going old school pixel art a-la Minecraft.

If I were constrained to a 3x3, I’d probably just go simple and chunky;

I’m certainly not in love with it though.

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I used a gold chisel with chisel epic for this. Took 16 blocks.