How to connect spark generator so they share "Total system spark"?

I have placed two spark generators and linked them with the spark link. Yet they dont share the “total system spark” value. How do I make them share that value?

You need to connect the spark generators by having them physically next to each other :slight_smile:

Here is a video I made about everything you need to know about spark:

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oh I need to put them right beside eachother, linking them does not help with that? So how do I move one of the spark generators next to the other without losing all the spark contained within? Do I need to place/remove on each side gradually moving over to the place I want them to be?

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Thats correct!

You need to snake them, so add an adittional on next to it, then remove the back one, then place that infront then remove the back one etc

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great thanks! Also really good video, like those spreadsheets; I’ll probably screenshot those out to keep handy ^^

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Cheers mate, yeh I still refer to that spreadsheet lol - super useful to have :fist: