How to destroy large beacon w many plots

Is there an easy way to remove a beacon that you no longer want. In my case there are 100’s of plots, and I’m hoping I don’t have to unplot them all 1 by 1, or wait for many weeks for the beacon to expire.

Any help would be appreciated.

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I don’t think so other than letting the fuel expire. Otherwise the rules are that plots can’t be stranded w/o a beacon. It’s a tuff job :thinking:

Are you Myra?

Yeah there really should be a “shut it down” option. I had to manually break it all down on my last base which was ~200 plots and it wasn’t fun. My new base is 500+ plots and I am really not looking forward to the day I decide I want to do a fresh build.

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There should be a “Destroy this beacon and the entire *%&ng build” skill.

I agree. I’m not seeing a reason against this option.

If it was more easily accomplished, I can only imagine the support tickets that would start appearing…

I pooped my whole build because…I was drunk, temporarily insane, in a bad mood, it was a friend wot did it… etc

It might take a while to dismantle at the mo but I’d rather have that than mistakenly, for what ever reason, have a whole build vanish.

Hide it 4 or 5 clicks deep… make it a pain in the… to do, and avoid most those examples.

I’ve lost way worse while drunk. :wink:

Are you sure you want to destroy your build?

Are you really sure?

This can’t be undone, you’re sure you want to do this?

Are you drunk?
Irrelevant. DESTROY IT!


Haha, maybe we could just do what other games allow by saying

ARE YOU SURE?!! If so please type “DELETE”

Prompt> DELETE


Something like that

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