How would you boost player retention?

How would I boost retention? I’d give a reason to log in daily. This game doesn’t trigger that for a wide enough audience because of its niche market. What could be added to the game to increase the chances a person logs in every day for at least 15 mins. 15 mins is just a number. I’m sure there is data that shows how long people log in for and the patterns that occur prior to the final login.


I think part of the problem is that the game bills itself as YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!, i.e. it’s an mmo AND rpg AND mining AND crafting AND building AND exploring AND fighting AND survival etc etc… which is true, of course, but there isn’t enough depth to any single aspect among those to really be satisfying. That’s a large-scale problem, though, and I don’t have any easy fixes.


Just watched the Oort online “dev log/trailer” how about bringing everything into the game??? Different races, different animals (pet/mobs) I want that huge ground smashing enemy I saw. Bring livestock that we can tame and use as an additional way of farming. Make combat more “team” based. Different kind of classes. Range (slingbow) mid (fist) tank (lance or claw) hold a combustion claw in your hand!!! Looks like an amazing hand to hand weapon


Group dungeon portals leading to instanced group combat and missions!

Swords, Lances, and Pantses!


For me, #1 priority: Private planets. The data that can be gained from seeing how people actually want to play (and the longevity of that play-style) when given the choice is too big of an opportunity to pass up.

#2: Revamp the skills system to so that you get better at what you do most. I am and always will be a proponent of the idea that sandbox games should let players ultimately achieve anything they want on a single character if they work at each of the things they want to do, but I’m strongly against the current system whereby you grind the most efficient task(s) to become good at everything.


First and foremost clean the house.
Get moderation in place on the forum and ingame. This is bad publicity.

It is interesting to see how many suggestions on the forum cycle around insert this feature or that feature or change behavior of skills x, environment y. But you said youd implement promised us feature blah etc. (we all want feature blah)

The backlog seems pretty full from simply browsing the forum, what happend to races, they where put on the backlog to repair bug x. What happend to player planets on the backlog because the game has to adress must have features first.

No the focus is to finish the set goals (features) first, it does not matter how loud you scream on the forum. They do not seem to be under too much pressure else youd have been sold private planets already (or I had the opportunity to upgrade to deluxe version on ps4) a real ingame shop etc.




Basically my biggest issue with the game right now; Communication.


Yup. I’d be one of those people making stuff.

Look how well the Tennogen works for a free game like Warframe for instance. It uses the steam workshop integration to allow people to use dev tools for asset making and create things the devs then peek over and verify.

I mean sure, that’s purchased items for money, but even a game like Minecraft has a tsunami of mods, textures, overhauls, etc. That are all free.


Yep more different creatures, would be nice to even see some birds we keep hearing! Under water life, fish and perhaps some creepy creatures. Heck if we then also get something, a tool/device we can use to breath under water so we can explore down there then creepy underwater creatures would be perfect!

Taming/riding creatures for both faster travel, pets, but indeed also extend the farming idea.

More farming crops in general, not just crops that replace existing things (tho I do love to grow my own beans and have an alternative for adrenal glands!) but also really new things that we can use to craft new items with.

What I also think would help a lot is if we get a few items/blocks that are interactive and we can use to make our own content.


I used the voice to text function on my cell phone to post this so it really does look kind of like a run on sentence from hell lol and I don’t feel like worrying about the punctuation lots of laughs

I’ve seen a lot of great ideas in here. Among them is the ability to make interactive things in the game the ability to make Dungeons and stuff the ability to have a bunch more blocks to build with the ability to have a bunch more life in the world the ability to have a lot more crops that gross things we do not already have the next one is probably going to get a chuckle but I kind of agree I think he kind of cool to do it have a dinosaur eating grass in your yard every kind of cool lots of laughs I definitely think private planets would be good and definitely some more public planets that have biomes unlike anything we’ve seen in game on public world’s already or even EXO’s yet biomes like a planet with a solid surface of ice and nothing else on it but underneath it huge Caverns teaming with life and artificial light Forest oceans all under the surface of the planet in other words think of biomes that are completely outside the box! I believe passenger trains would be a cool feature I do agree that communication on the game should be better between players we also need blueprints to be able to move our stuff it just boggles the mind to think if a lot of people could just say screw it I’m moving my stuff how many arguments might be avoided. There’s a lot of other good ideas but I just want to give a shout out to these few that came to mind. but that’s the cool thing about this community there is a lot of great ideas out here

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I was thinking the same thing. It isn’t a cure-all, but tiered dailies would kinda help. The size of dailies is another can I’m not touching right here, but having a couple could increase the odds of me hanging around a bit longer each time. Have one for time spent in universe, one for xp gained that day (doing stuff), a bonus to the first new region explored, something like a tax rebate of 1% for each 100 coin of ff generated by a player etc.

Come to think of it, ff payback would inherently motivate exploration of lesser visited but active builds through currently existing ff calculations


This. More reasons to visit other beacons would be good. Shop stands, portals and aesthetics are really the only reasons to venture out right now especially for hermits

  1. Add a free to play - light version of the game. Limited to metal tools/items and only have a few planets available to them. Basic beacon fuel only on these planets. No forging, but can use forged metal tools via trading.
  2. Player owned world’s in the live game with a lot of options for the owner to choose from. Customize terrain to an extent(magnitude, frequency, biome types) & general color scheme/seed input. Map size. Max player slots. Ability to scale beacon fuel duration (shorter, longer, none needed). Planet “Mayor” role who has power to moderate there players builds/plots. Great way to test, experiment, and settle some of the never ending discussions on the forum.
  3. T0 planet without drops of any kind - just a place to build - that have drastically increased beacon durations if not permanent. Intended for players that take long breaks or to build permanent home bases. Limit 1 beacon per player across X number of worlds.
  4. Pants.
  5. Livestock to go with our farming - breed a Goliath wildstock and plop a saddle on it.
  6. Machines, automation, transportation.
  7. An actual tutorial in the sanctum that is infinitely repeatedly and continuously updated to match current build.
  8. Hire a community manager. No, not someone to watch over this incestual cesspool. Someone that works across all major social media platforms promoting the game and working with moderators/staff from said platforms.

Edit: Disclaimer - No, I do not think we are all biologically related. I was trying to express how the player base seems to be growing via friends or personal connections rather than from videos, social media, and advertisements. This is not a platform that allows for sharing and spreading.



Optional* pants

This loincloth is starting to chafe.


Pants. These smart stacks of 1x1x1 blocks are too much for my cloth.

But for real…By making Meteors with many more tiers… or making “Quest Meteors” That rain purple.

Let’s say 20 people on a group hunt spawn a tier 20 that comes with 10 clouds to spawn Critters. The further away from the meteor, the weaker the critter. And on the last “round” or “wave” of the meteor is a controlled new higher tier “Boss” Beast that can destroy blocks…Maybe possible new drops like over-forged tools.

For solo hunters maybe incorporate a chance to spawn a similar “Quest Meteor” with 6 clouds and critters scaled to the tier world you are on.

This would just be fun, but idk about player retention…The real thing you need is an unreachable and appealing goal. Like alll those defense games that send waves against you until you die. Even PVP games have the unreachable goal of defeating everyone else before they defeat you.

— Maybe a new “Quest Planet”…An Exo with a dungeon…


When you see the trailer for the game, it looks like the focus is on unlimited (boundless!) exploration and warping from one world to another. When you start playing, you find this is completely unrealistic because of the expense of opening warps. As a new player, your only source of coin is really the rewards you get for objectives. Since you have no steady income, you tend to be wary of spending money just to warp to a location, particularly when this can be 1,500 coin - hardly economic when you are just trying to reach a shop on a distant planet.

So you rely on wandering through public portals, which take you from one immense gaudy town to another, which are mostly huge pointless builds that can take ages to find your way out of.

So the time comes when a new player says “this is not what I signed up for” and drifts away.

Changing the cost of warping, say to 10c for short journeys and 20c for long ones, would be a simple change that would make the game much more welcoming for new players and encourage them to stay.

One other thing I might mention is that the penalty for being “defeated” is ludicrously severe compared to any other MMO you like to mention. Usually being killed in a MMO is a minor setback. The “defeated” debuff takes ages to work off, and as far as I can see, the brew that dispels it is way beyond the reach of new players to craft. This again is something that can only discourage players from continuing.


Try playing a Korean MMO! 50% for 50k xp is light, imo


Forgot a couple from original reply.

  1. Centralized beacon view across all characters - can add fuel to all beacons from this interface. Fueling beacons is unnecessarily tedious.
  2. A bank account that carries across characters.
  3. /Help, /info, and /commands that display basic info, controls, and tips in the in-game chat. Commands to get some of the debug info(brings access to this helpful info to PS4 players).
  4. ONE player hub/lounge world for each server region. A place for info, hand trades, etc. Similar to sanctum - can warp there for free then be spat back out where you were at. You automatically warp to the server region you selected. Portals linking the server region hubs. Item retrieval module could be located here - anything that gets lost to regen from a depleted beacon shows up here for collection. Also list what was lost to pillagers to provide a starting point for the rebuild.