Hunting Time and Planet Poll added

I like T4 for hunts. It’s a nice middle ground. Planet wise, I would prefer no lava unless it’s platform hunts. Lost count of how many times players have fallen in lava on Cephonix. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I’m in US East region. I’d be up for hunting almost every day. The time frame listed works for me.


T6 hunts, I do 2x a week and sometimes on the weekend, and I like the atmosphere that does less damage to my toon while hunting. I can only do your 7-8 CET on the weekends (once a weekend). Most days I can’t because it’s 10-11am my time and generally I work all daytime hours.



Ty @tarranth and @Chicula for your comments , Hope to get much more.

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Depending on what I want. If I need stuff for forging I would definitely hop in high tier hunts. If I just want some oort then I guess low tier still brings the most? Due to being faster etc. Element wise I do not care too much. Something that has not the roughest terrain, lots mountains slow down the hunt and some people have a bit issues to keep up then, or aren’t big Grapple masters.

Same as yours :upside_down_face:

Currently I’m lacking time a bit so I just buy my shards :stuck_out_tongue: I spend my free time on relaxing out of the game, or building on my market. regular hunts are hard for me to schedule. And they are boring, if I nearly fall asleep with my lack of sleep while chiseling, I definitely crash against Denesit’s trees. Happened already.

Most likely not. That falls still in my very busy time frame. Evening hours are very bad until my boy goes to sleep.

During Day I would be half participating as I would always also look after my son. Definitely not a choice I would do on a regular. I’m most of the day in fact afk. If I do something mostly just a few minutes long. Or when he’s really taking a nap or sleeps at night.

I’m sure you wouldn’t start a hunt at 10 or 11 or even 12. And I can’t say if I would still like to participate a busy hunt after a long day :woozy_face:

I’m sorry. The busy toddler times just started. So one can’t rely on me currently as participant. :pensive:


I’m just responding to help keep the thread moving tbh. I’ve been wanting to catch a T3 hunt but I seem to keep seeing the announcements after.

I usually want oort more than trophies and of the regular hunts prefer T4 to t6. However the hunt that I’m able to catch the most is a regular T6 that occurs at roughly 6 PM in my time.

No concerns about planet, for me. Especially in a low level hunt it doesn’t matter.

Again though, i think I’ve actually been on roughly 4-5 hunts since I got really active again in December.

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I prefer t3 hunts because they’re super easy and way more lucrative for Oort then other hunts.

Currently we do hunts on Saturday and Sunday at 2pm est.
and during the week we do some random evening hunts around 10 or 11 pm est.


Ty @Nightstar was all day Long working …

If IT comes to Oort i agreed with you , know have a 10 Player T3 Planet and i am able to Run 22 regions in 2 hours to 2 hours 15 Minutes alone for Round 600 Oort.

But we all Need Forge Mats too or defenetly the forgers for all those AOE Tools and bows and bombs for the hunts These Mats you get on high Tier and even in High Tier Hunt T6 WE get 400 Oort plus in 2 hours or Like Yesterday in 3 hours 15 Minutes nearly 700 with all the throphies Hopper cores, Hopper eyes, woldstock throphies but of course more Challenging and a good and Well Equiped group IS Needed to get this Kind of numbers.

Its both good and Needed in my opinion and i Like T3&T6 was Always doing T6 Hunts and Sometimes If @Bethlehem could n t lead i did also her T3 hunts on cephonix .

Money side you get Same value in Same time in one Case you have more oort and Other Case you have expensive mats too.

I Hope some more people will Tell their thoughts.

Greetings Turrican2006


What I want to add, I think I would participate sometimes a t3 hunt at night at 10 or 11. Those aren’t stressful and sometimes it’s hard to think of what I want to do at that time

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I would like to do 1 per week i have time between 17-20 pm whatever germany is, so i would be a bit late for 7pm cet (forgot atm) i prefer t6 caustic

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Yeah we’re doing about the same on our small T3. :ok_hand::+1::+1: but will still need the creature drops from t6 hunts. I haven’t been been able make your hunts unfortunately. They’re a bit early for me. Lol.

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I’d join in those hunts. Been looking for weekday evening hunts!

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I’ll keep you posted if we’re doing some this week. :+1::beers:

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I like either.
T3, T4, T6 all good with me I’m not too picky.
When I’m on properly = Times ideal for me weekdays 6 to 10pm (uk time) so 7pm to 11pm if in Europe. Weekend I’m a little more flexible.
For me as long as I have notice or a schedule I can plan and work round it.


Added polls in the First post

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I like all hunt types but your times don’t work for me due to European times are when I am usually at work… LOL I try to catch you when i can. @georgegroeg will try to keep an eye open for yours as well. if you get them posted in Discord hunts i catch them easier then in game chat as it is Soooooo delayed lol!


I don’t hunt often. A few times in a month maybe.

Since my return to boundless, I’ve only been joining OortBusters hunts
(Thank you @2FACEWICKED for hosting)

This is my preferred starting time for hunts.


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Your Very Welcome :smiley:


This IS Just a small reminder …

Well I am currently able to hunt at anytime since off from work for awhile due to a medical surgery so plenty of Boundless time on my hands.

I catch them when I can right now. You’ll see either my hunter character CaptAMERICA1611 or my my LitlCapt running around. I love a good T3 for easy laid back hunting for oort. But mainly all about T6 hunting. I like the challenge of having multiple meteors at the same time and love all the trophies.

I still not a night owl so I’m never up late, usually off the game before 8pm to unwind with the wife.
So, currently hitting the Oortbusters hunts M-F because great time slot if your not doing anything in the daytime. Thanks @2FACEWICKED.
Hit your hunts @Turrican2006 when I can because they always great loot. Usually can always make @Chicula hunt on Friday because good time, sorry, Monday hunt is little late for me. @Wondernut hunt I always make on Sunday, good time frame good drops. I really want to make a Reaper hunt with @georgegroeg but I have always been doing something at the time or sleeping lol. I will make it sooner or later.
Been to a few Vikings hunts, they are good but like I said I make it a point to usually always be off the game by the time their hunt starts unfortunately.

So currently can hunt anytime from 7am-7pm
When I get back to work probably in May, I normally won’t be back home again till after 5pm to do any hunting.

Appreciate all you hunt leaders out there that put the work in and bring the hunts the the game.


Well we love having you on our hunts Cap! See ya on Friday! Honestly I just lead when I get off work two days a week… luckily the Fridays start early over here hehe

Hope you’re healing fast and well.


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