
A new shopping district I’m making, shops are available but are limited atm, but we are expanding for more store space. Accessible through La Familia mining network, TNT Megahub, ILLN Huntlodge, and ILLN Mall through my Hydronia quick stop in the pink hallway shop 22. Hope to see you shopping with us :grinning:

We have 1x6 1x5 and 2x2 available, you don’t have to use all the space on the 1x6 or 1x5. Join the discord to reserve a slot, as we have plot protection on. Shop conjoinment of your neighbor is allowed but no one is allowed two stores untill further notice.

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Sadly Hydronia has been auto reclaimed, but fret not me and my management team have already started discussing rebuilding and even rebuilding on a new world (public world no sovereign) and we will have a new approach to the city layout. Due to not many settler setting in we will no have many road layouts suited for settling in the city as we will be doing a arcology set up but we will try to keep close to the original design of Hydronia, but very upscaled :sweat_smile: and I know that many people don’t really care, but I did want to get this out to those who did. We will be putting in further safeguards to prevent situations like these from happening. I had lost my wifi connection which had prevented me from refuelling and i could not afford the gleam club at the time even though its not that expensive. Thank you for your time, and stay boundless!


Oh that was a realy pretty place

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