[Hyrule] --[T6 - Fierce Blast Sovereign World]-- [Active]

Is there a portal to Hyrule? Thanks?

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Yep, got two of them at Paka’s Palace, Alcyon, access via TNT Alcyon! :smiley: They are a bit out of the way there though, ran out of space on the lower level, lol. When you come out of the TNT portal, go straight to the little trellis area, then turn right and go up the stairs to the first balcony area of the big building. From there, turn right, down at the end of the balcony. :slight_smile: Can post pics/coords if wanted!


Well, you did a great job hiding them Portals.
I too was searching for those the other day.
Maybe it’s time to adapt your HUB to the growing Pakaverse :sunglasses: :+1:

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Some shots showing the portals… I’ve got a lot of room to add ones up in the building there, though that is even more out of view. :thinking: Or maybe take the furniture out from under the trellis and add more there. Glad to see the Sovereigns are getting so much use though, looking at the Citizen lists and how many atlases are selling, makes me happy! :grin:

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