I don't like it yet

Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback on your current experience. As we’re in Early Access the game will go through constant iteration and there will be some growing pains as we add new features and balance them against the existing features.

The skill system was added to make characters stronger but we still needed to make blocks and creatures stronger on different worlds. The balancing has begun on this but it will take a some time before we get this right. The intention is a high level player should struggle to defeat a creature on high level worlds but they can easily kill a creature on a low level world.

Which skills are you referring to and why?

We have started to remove some of the skills that are not working and will re-add them when they’re actually functioning in the game.

We’re still trying to finalise our style for these assets so they can be reused in multiple creative ways. This means we’re still a way off getting these assets in game.

Not sure what you mean here? Do you mean blocks that you can make triggers volumes out of for players to walk through?

Signs are on the todo list with the props.

What areas do you find a grind and why?[quote=“banehavoc, post:1, topic:8450”]
Swing speed…

Swing speed vs more damage which do you prefer? Killing blocks in around 2 seconds with 6 hits or 2 hits?

Sorry, but this is not clear. What do you mean?[quote=“banehavoc, post:1, topic:8450”]
The double jump is broke.
The skill is a waste of points now.

How is this skill broken? You can use it to perform another jump in the air and get yourself higher. With ledge climb, air jump and increased jump height I can jump 5 blocks in the air.


Maybe testing an incomplete game isn’t your style? This is way better than minecraft in the fact that its actually a challenge sometimes. I’ll let you know right now about a month and a half ago I was absolutely awful at this game. But thanks to @Havok40k, @Xanotos, @Pseudonym84, @SWProzee1 and @Barneylee57, I actually know how to play and what to do. I used to complain also but ive made so many awesome friends on here. But don’t get me wrong, sometimes I feel like I’m beating my head against a wall mining when I’m looking for a certain resource but its awesome when you do find it.

forgot @Arkefyre lols



What’s with you guys bringing up minecraft? Is that some kind of stigma or what? New way to dismiss stuff without real arguments?

I can compare yesterday’s Boundless and today’s Boundless and see difference and comment about it without bringing in minecraft in the mix. Btw, yesterday’s Boundless was no where near minecraft mining speeds, in minecraft with 2nd tier tool i.e. stone pickaxe (almost wrote hammer lol) you mine faster than with Boundless gold hammer which is 6th tier tool, how do you even compare that?

I’m completely satisfied with the mining speed as it was before this update.

Arguments like “not like minecraft”, “not realistic”, “not following Newton’s 2nd law”, are the same as me saying I just feel that’s slow. I know how much I mine, and I know how fast it needs to be, and I know what tools are available and accessible right now and comment from that perspective.

If you’re gonna critique somebody else on their feedback bring something to the table. I have changed the category to “General” if that irks you so much, change it, most of you are regulars :slight_smile:



Good for you, Spoygg, this rant was needed and if you hadn’t, I would have in a (probably) more frenzied fashion. This rant has been coming for a long time.

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Sorry to anyone that took offense to my post. My intent was to voice my opinion and ask a few questions.

MY OPINIONS. Was hoping when I wrote that I could diffuse any hard feelings.
Was hoping for answers not a word war.
I posted in suggestions thought it was the correct place.
I made my suggestions with not just saying"I want this"
I gave my reasons (Again opinion) why I thought said changes needed made.

You missed several points.
Solum home world monsters are HARDER to kill than ring world mobs.
Should it not be the other way around?
To clarify I like harder monsters. Never said it was hard or I wanted it easier.
My points are how I make suggestions, sorry if my vernacular offends anyone.

In response yes I know that game is not finished I read the description before I bought it.
I have played many early access games.

No they should not implement ALL the coming features, hence why I asked for an eta on a few features I was interested in.(See I know what sarcasm is too.) Furthermore my complaint is the harder monsters are clearly meant to be fought with better gear so adding harder monsters without access to better gear made no sense to me…to me.(opinion)
In my mind making a suggestion is not just saying something needs changed or added I gave my reasons behind the thoughts.

Love the fact its an MMO. Don’t like Minecraft sandbox style. The progression and difficulty is the the biggest reason I am playing. If I wanted a private server I would go play Creativerse.

Thanks. Wholeheartedly agree with your posts.

Really ? Is that what you got from what I wrote?
Please don’t assume that is what I meant. I want this game to succeed.
Again suggestions were made.

an idea or plan put forward for consideration.

information about reactions to a product, a person’s performance of a task, etc., used as a basis for improvement.
synonyms: response, reaction, comments, criticism; reception, reviews
“we welcome feedback from the viewers”

Sorry they seem synonymous to me. May I suggest you listen to a paying customer.

Are you trying to say changing it back is not an option and I should just like the change they made and just deal?
Not very open minded I think.

Wow the first line denotes I am not being constructive. Throwing shade at me over my opinion.
You are jumping down my throat. Are you SUGGESTING I make better SUGGESTIONS in the suggestions forums?
Yeah you were offended I am sorry you feel that way.

Thanks for reading this I wish you guys well and hope the game grows.

Common Engines
Advanced Engines
Expert Tool
Expert Weapon
Expert Technology
etc… there are more that do nothing.
Suggested to grey them out I had to use cleanse points on them after realizing they do nothing.

Yes or operate a light or cause an effect with water/lava.

I wanted a black castle with rubies adorning it. Gonna have a blackish castle with a couple rubies here and there.
Gems and rare metals are a grind.

The workbench recipes are nice i like them.
the amount of materials needed for the compactor on again gems and metals is not fun.
I’ll end up with stone or wood in various colors that is not my idea of fun.

It was fun now its not. Would you guys consider changing it back?

subject change.
I am building a castle type thing East of Pixelgate on Solum about a minutes walk, or take my port next to the red gleem pyramid. cya in game.

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@banehavoc First to properly welcome you to the forums. I didn’t see anything wrong with your post :slight_smile:

Don’t get discouraged, we’re pretty defensive about game sometimes, me too, can’t take high grounds here :wink:

@luke-turbulenz about jumping, I really don’t get what you did there? People complained about jump is too high, ok, don’t upgrade it than, use basic jump and enjoy. Now jump skills are way too overpriced, I mean 20-30 skill points to get another half block from air jump (iirc), that’s not a good pay off for me. Using grapple can be very very cumbersome for some tasks, like mining in dark, you use some light source and hammer aaaand grapple again since jump got nerfed. While jump was boosted I could go over almost all caves in vulpto, now I need grapple and light and hammer, maybe add another hand? :smiley: Main point is that I don’t think any skill point put into jump pays off anymore, I cleaned up all jump skills.
Now some anecdotal evidence: you know what reaction we all had in Elop Portas when jumps got boosted??? We were like kids in toy shop, amazed, happy and playing around. I can tell you that we were genuinely enjoying new experience. I don’t think that’s the case anymore.


I don’t think we should ever just be reverting back an update (I really want 1.0 now! :D). Instead, let’s give it time to be tested and do some tweaks as needed.

As for your issue with castle being too hard to make, in all honesty, I don’t think a single player should be able to make a castle if they decided to. A build that massive should be a result of collective effort.

From what I can see now, I’m sorry but I think you are just being impatient. Please consider as well that before this update hits live, the devs already had a discussion about this and worked hard for it. At least a more constructive criticism would be more welcomed instead of “NOT FUN”. Peace yo.

I just played around some more with mining in this latest update and I redact my previous statement. Mining speed and power is just fine.


Yes, that is what I got from what you said, that’s why I said it. I can only assume what you meant based on what I read. If you don’t wish to be misinterpreted, then more detailed feedback than “its not fun” is necessary. We all want this game to succeed, that’s why we’re here. I’m not the only one who read your post and thought “wow, what a whiney…” well, you obviously can tell your post was poorly received by many people for various reasons. I’m not the only person who found your post vague and unhelpful, I make no apologies for my first reply except not being more blunt in spelling out my intent. So what if you have problems, what would you suggest be changed? Just saying it’s not fun anymore is useless feedback. Sure it’s feedback, bit it’s shallow and of little value. That’s what I was aiming for. Your eventual reply to the devs (after some prodding and encouragement) is 100% exactly what needs to be done. I’m not here to debate your opinion of the game, nor do I disagree with your findings. What I wanted was actionable feedback and suggestions. Your insight and ideas, beyond ‘this is bad, make it not bad’ (paraphrasing).

Again suggestions were made.

an *** idea or plan put forward for consideration.***

information about reactions to a product, a person’s performance of a task, etc., used as a basis for improvement.
synonyms: response, reaction, comments, criticism; reception, reviews
“we welcome feedback from the viewers”

Emphasis mine. I wonder if you truely don’t see the difference between these words you linked the definition of, and what you submitted here today? Where you left gripes and rants with no idea or plan put forward for consideration (ie, this is no fun, maybe these changes could be considered? Rather than “its no fun”.) What information do you have that could be used as a basis for improvement do you have to offer? “It was fun before and now it isn’t.” …okaaay… so what do you suggest?

Wow the first line denotes I am not being constructive. Throwing shade at me over my opinion.
You are jumping down my throat. Are you SUGGESTING I make better SUGGESTIONS in the suggestions forums?
Yeah you were offended I am sorry you feel that way.

While that was a reply not directed to you (I do realize that the context there is not completely clear, I do apologize for that confusion) it was entirely my intention to denote that your post was not constructive. I won’t be a pedantic ass and copy/paste the definition of constructive into the thread since you’ve already demonstrated an that you are more than capable of using an online dictionary and pasting it for yourself (yes I meant that) but no, you were not being constructive, and yes I was throwing shade on that. I don’t deny that. What I don’t get is where you seem to think I’m offended or jumping down your through by expecting actionable, constructive feedback. Who’s making assumptions about whose meaning now? Didn’t you JUST get done saying not to do that? Don’t try to patronize me, and you and I both know better than to think “(you) are sorry (I) feel that way.” That’s a childish debate tactic and I award you no points for it.

I’m not done with you yet though. I saved my absolute favorite bit for last. Just one line, that is so deliciously sweet in its utter stupidity that I saved it for dessert. If you seek to be outraged by me saying offensive things to you, let it be that I think your an absolute moron for uttering this one phrase:

“May I suggest you listen to a paying customer.”

Yes! You may suggest it! Pay me, and I’ll eat your sad useless rants up with a spoon and ask for seconds! Make Checks payable to Havok40k at P.O. Box 666 in Lubbock Texas, and I’ll listen to you all day!

You are not the only paying customer here, you aren’t even the HIGHEST paying customer here, nor have you been here the longest, been the most active in the community, or dedicated the most of your time promoting this game to family and friends. You don’t have the only gaming community behind you, and you don’t have a divine appointment declaring your opinion to be any more valuable than anyone else here? How dare you presume that you alone are right because you’re a paying customer. Let me tell you a secret. “The customer is always right” is a lie fed up providers say to placate idiot customers. Your opinion is equal to every other nobody from the Internet who also happened to buy access to this game, myself included. And for what it’s worth, you only bought access to the game- being listened to and respected is not a part of the contract, you have to earn that.

I know I will get feedback from concerned or offended members of this community for my reaction to this one post. I’ll hear “I don’t think a leader of this community should respond the way you did.” And they’d be right to do so! However I make no apologies for my prior two posts as they are not as bad as your manufactured outrage suggests, and I do not apologize for the top half of this post in reply to aforementioned outrage. But I especially do not apologize for replying to your outrageous and laughable comment that we should heed to your opinions simply because you paid to be here. Rediculous statements deserve to be ridiculed.

Signing out.




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Everyone just needs to remember that the reasons we have such heated and passionate discussions is because we have a bunch of people who genuinely and passionately want to see boundless succeed. Which is also the main reason we have such amazing communities full of amazing people. Our number one common ground that ties us together is our mutual love for boundless along with the frustration that forms when a comment is made that even remotely resembles a diss towards the game.


Little wordy sorry you lost me on that whole post.
So I have to think like you or I get what personal attacks?
I knew I should have just kept playing and shut up because there is always someone that is gonna correct an someones opinion.
I really honestly don’t understand what your problem with me is.
You picking apart my post when all I wanted was some answers.
I play all day and see nobody around so I came here seeking answers.

It’s like I think wow this sucks, slow mining can’t jump high anymore.
In my head…fine…say it outloud or write it down…get the rope…gonna hang this guy.
forget it bro you win play your game. I don’t want no part.

Well actually I do a little. But you would rather have an argument.
I think my post was constructive, interpretation is up to the reader I did my best to convey my ideas.
Calling it shallow? I though my original post with the points I mentioned was pretty good.
I did not realize that there was a proper format for offering suggestions.
So without rewriting my post to fit your needs how would I go about offering feedback or ideas.
Calling my statement utterly stupid. Really does todays gamers have no maners?

You responded to my post it wasn’t directed at you even though you think it is. I thought suggestions were read by the Devs. you took it upon yourself to school me the proper etiquette of posts. lesson learned. Really sorry. From my perspective all i have gotten is I am a bad writer and don’t have a right to my own opinion because you say so.[quote=“Havok40k, post:29, topic:8450”]
You don’t have the only gaming community behind you, and you don’t have a divine appointment declaring your opinion to be any more valuable than anyone else here?
Obviously you think you do.
I thought what I wrote had value.
You attacked me from the start because you though and still do think I am a trying to argue.

paraphrasing me out of context because you believe you understood me…you don’t.and still don’t.
summarizing all my points is the same as saying eh hes just trolling. I’m not.
Why is this in suggestions denotes sarcasm as if to say. " this is garbage he has no right to ask this"
you could have just pointed out my flaw in the post and pointed me in a better direction for answers.
and you still could, might even make a friend but i’m betting you don’t want that. you just wanna be right.
so I concede enjoy YOUR game. If your feeling inclusive stop by my build and offer some pointers make a friend say hi.
Would love to share ideas talk about builds etc…but I digress I feel alienated now, do you represent the community?
Like a community leader or something?
I am new here did not realize this would get such negative feedback from anyone, just my opinion bro really sorry.

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Any comment is useful.

But there’s different types of comments:

  • Say you like or don’t like something: It will let the developer know if he’s going in the right direction according to you.
  • Say what you want changed: You’ll also let them know what’s the specific part you dislike.
  • Offer a plan on how to take action: Here you’ll not only let them know your thoughts about what needs changing, here you offer your views on how it should be approached or handled.

Any of the above serves the devs when coming up with new ideas or things to change. Which of the above seems like a nicer step in the right direction? To me it’s the last one, it lets them know not only to change something, but lets them know what direction you’re looking for. The more information they get, the more they can do about something.


Started playing in early May and really enjoyed it, but it definitely got a huge upgrade with the most recent large patch. They changed just about everything in regards to progression systems, direction, and customization and there is plenty more on the way :slight_smile: if you aren’t satisfied with the game right now @banehavoc maybe come back in a couple weeks or so, the game is constantly evolving

The recent huge update, as it brought so many new systems, invariably is going to be followed by a few “balance” patches, or updates that may only remove some bugs and change slight things, and while they may seem like “anti-fun”, they are necessary for flushing out new systems in a way that will result in the end product being the highest quality possible

I, myself, went on a bit of a rant to @boundmore in discord about some of the changes listed, so I definitely empathize there, but then again I’m also always excited when the game changes in general, as it provides more to learn and experience. I’m confident this going to be the greatest sandbox game of all time, and it’s definitely always good for the devs to hear what players think needs addressing the most.


A number of points actually capture what was going on with the system:

Jumps were always meant to increase your jump height by 1-4 blocks high and the descriptions explained this in the original update. However, there was an issue in the system were you were actually jumping double, if not more than that. Watching people getting to the top of the world in 30 seconds isn’t the intention of the system, nor is the system meant to replace grapples or make combat massively easier because you can jump out of the way over everything.

It seems most of the negative comments towards this change is around the need to use grapples and the amount of skill points it costs. Grapples do feel like they need more attention on this feedback and the jump skill cost needs to be reduced. Also, there is a skill which will make your character a torch so you’ll be able to light up the area without holding a torch.

It does feel like players had access to a godmode and we took it away and they are upset. If the original implementation was correct there would be a lot less resistance to it. It would be interesting to know what new players think of the current version.


Haha, yeah, I see what’s happened :smiley: Ok, that puts it in different perspective.

With what you said I could agree even that regular jump upgrades are not that pricey, but air jump doesn’t feel right. Maybe ditch it completely? If proper double jump gives players too much of an advantage, and this mild air jump is too pricey, maybe there isn’t really a good compromise on that?

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I agrree with @luke-turbulenz on the jump - where does it ever say double jump? (have not checked since yesterdays update) but as far as i remember the only jump skills you have is Jump HEIGHT I - II and AIR jump there is/was no mention of double jump -

Grapples -
Some of these are (were?) broken - for example everyone thinks the diamond grapple being auto is a bug?

-mini complaint inc

Worlds difficulty - i get that we were warned that this would be implemented - but for those of us who have homes on the harder planets? what kind of rebate is there for us? (i personally) am finding it very hard to survive on Elop at the moment - i would take my house and claims down from there but even doing that leads to certain death every 2 minuutes :wink:

Otherwise VERY good update!

Another thing which feels like a bug is the grapples (when you have Edge Climb) - sometimes (seemingly at random pioints) you will release the grapple without releasing the grapple (it will auto-release without input from the player - this ONLY happens with Edge Climb as an active skill) - i have died quite a few times to this mechanic


Most likely the case. This is really apparent throughout the history of online games from my experience (thinking of world of warcraft in particular)

(I know you said most :stuck_out_tongue: ) But please don’t forget the feedback I gave you on the other thread where you replied to me about this. Useability of things is a real issue for me (and probably others with physical conditions). The reason for me to try to defend my points on this is that as a player it is unusual to be able to have any effect on a game’s ergonomics and I feel like for once that opportunity does exist.

I have had other thoughts about some problem areas in that sense for me, but for some of them, I know there’s nothing you can do without making a huge change. A rather simple example is the effect a tool makes when it hits a block; with Boundless I have to be further away from the screen from normal when I’m mining because the “whack” particle effect can make me start having visual auras. I don’t expect you to try and faff on with changing that specific particle because it causes me a problem, when I have a simple compromise for it, which is to be further away from the screen.

With the topic of the jumping and grapples, I thought it was worth mentioning my feedback because it’s something that can still adapt a little bit to deal with issues like mine.

But could you just clarify then, the 2 types of grapples that you mentioned, they’re both currently available in the current existing ones? But you want them to exist as two separate grapples from the same materials?

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That pretty much sums it up. With the previous jumping skills I no longer carried a grapple, because there was no reason to. I’m sure people feel the same way about the lack of gem distribution now too. It only stings because of how abundant they were pre-update. Things like this shouldn’t be doable solo within a few hours;

Not to mention we were all just crafting hammers for everything.

We were gods, and now we’re mere mortals. I suppose it’s understandable people are disheartened you took away their toys, but it’s far better for the longevity of the game.

Just my thoughts.