I guild gift to noobs

What is a good starting package a guild can give a newb. I was thinking that the things a newb has trouble with at the beginning:
Raising levels
Not dieing
Seeing when mining
Earning coins
Getting around

I would like to hear other people’s thoughts about this.
The point they no longer need help
How much is to much

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I have a huge 640 crafting table workshop and rock shop. I let people process and refine rocks with their alts. or New people alike. Easy way to level up new people.

For me, I have given a few some items that I think helps them at the start, two each of hammer, shovel and axe, explorer’s fist, slingbow, some copper bars, iron bars, couple hundred of cooked yams, and several of the foods that I cook for my shop The Making of Greatness, Three machines, it can be workbench, refinery, extractor or mixer. Can’t remember other items.
I suggest that they go and collect items that they can trade with. It is hard to sell items, but gather leaves from the sword plant and make sackcloth, or mine and turn the copper into bars and see if someone wants to trade. They can get items they need more iron, maybe some silver. I traded food for refined topaz’s once. I checked the prices of the topaz and make that would match as close as possible, energizing, invigorating food, meat loaf and more.
Tell them to PM me if they have questions, that is all I can think of to do for them.
Love to hear other suggestions to help them.

Wood and foliage to bypass first tutorials

Honestly… maybe a bit of food but thats it.
I dont nowadays be surpriced when new players have problems with something.
You should not give them tools etc. Food maybe.
They wont never learn how the game actually works.

And what about say the guild donates a forged tool, but asked you to collect x amount of something. Or maybe gives a set path for skill points and tells you how to level up quick.

I always tell them that they need to do the objectives to get the skill points and experience. And since it is generally at least four or five days after they have been playing, they are at the stone tools and are so lost they don’t know what to do. One had one of the machines and gave that one back, told the player to make the others so they would need to have two of each later and it would fulfill the objectives.
Telling them how to do things, such as swim along a river and look for artifacts, copper or coal will be signs of a good place to mine. On level 2 plants they can find iron, not a lot but some, plenty of copper and nice amount of coal. Yesterday I was mining on a level 2 planet. Got over 500 copper, less than 50 of iron, but close to 400 of coal. That was just over a couple hours with iron hammer.
When I get three smart stacks of copper, I will be offering them for trade.

Offering tools and other items for them doing tasks I think is a good idea. Shops, guilds could state that if you bring me X number of rocks/stone or wood they could have such and such in trade.
To get their skills up in crafting make so many stone tools and then copper tools and bring them in to trade for iron tools or iron bars where they can make their own tools and get skill/experience from doing so.
Problem is that those who aren’t noobs will try to take advantage of it, so those who are offering will have to be careful.