I just have to say this; the music is absolutely superb in this game

The music here is really enjoyable to listen to. Really gives it a unique soulful feel.
Good stuff. It’s the type if I came across it on YT, I’d make a folder for it and save every one of them in it lol
Most AAA games music is ■■■■. Absolute standard ■■■■. Music really adds to the atmosphere and seems like you guys understand this. Well done.

All in all, I’m done with AAA games except the age old GTA, RDR and Forza Motorsport. I haven’t bought a Call of Duty in 13 years. Good riddance. MoHAA Breakthrough and Spearhead were the shooter golden days anyway…


He have done some nice music.



I personally turned it off after the first 1000 hours but yes I have to agree very nice music. What is interesting is one of my gaming pals usually does not like music in most games. After he started playing this he kept commenting how nice the music was. :grin:

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This is literally the only game I keep the musuc on for…well except for eq2 in the isle of refuge :wink: So, I guess not literallllly.

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sometimes i turn the music off, when i got my own music on or when in watch netflix on 2nd monitor while mining.
But then later when i play with “full focus” i tend to enable the music again, ohterwise something is missing.

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I totally agree, the BL game music is beautiful :slight_smile: The atmospherics, depth, composition…it makes the theme and some are even catchy enough to stick in the head.

Agreed with the music wholeheartedly and with the shooter golden days being MoHAA Breakthrough and Spearhead. I still hop on those occasionally when I’m able to. :slight_smile: