In-depth Beacon Permissions (for non-friends)

Hey guys,

I was thinking about having some more in-depth beacon permissions, especially when it comes to non-friends. I love the idea of building public workshops (and in the future maybe even storage), for those who can’t afford them.

Something along those lines:

Beacon Stranger Permissions:
Allow machine usage (on/off)
Allow storage usage (on/off)
Allow building (on/off) - although this might be a bit too much, but there might be use cases so just throwing it out there

Suggested this to James already and he said people might steal the input/output of machines, but if they worked more like creature drops where every single player sees it’s own input and output materials, I think it could work. Could as well work the same for public storage.

What do people think?


these are good ideas, that I think need to be added, however it could be hard to implement or at least take awhile to.

The simplest modification would be to allow “Everyone” to show up in the Beacon permissions tab. Then you could give Everyone the same permissions as individual users.

Allowing anyone to use a machine in parallel would be a bigger technical change. I’d need to check with the team how complicated / easy this would be. I’m also not sure it’s something we’d want to allow.

It might be a better solution to tag a user to each job in the crafting queue, then when the job is finished you have a personal output.

Again it might be easy / hard.

Additional: I’ve made a note of this suggestion to determine how easy it would be to add. Thanks!!

Additional 2: Are Crafting Machines the only things we’d want to share this way?


Thanks James, of course it could be hard and of course it might not be a necessity, but I think it’s something people could debate.

I think storage could be shared the same way :slight_smile:

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Definitely I’d like to be able to create remote outposts where the storage/machines are able to be used by anyone. That’s a lot of fun

Every single user having a private inventory in the same entity sounds like a good way to make a single entity really really hugely expensive over time mind… It would also mean you cannot share the usage of that item with someone else, you would have to personally go and take it out and drop it on the ground for someone to pick up or explicitly trade, so you couldn’t have someone crafting over night so their friend can come later and do something with the outputs.


I can imagine it would also cause a problem if you decided to break the machine/storage whilst other players also have items stored in it. At least with your own machine/storage, you can break it and have the luxury of being able to pick up the spilled contents - other players would not be so lucky I don’t think (unless everything for all users just spills out :scream: ).

Would also be odd for when a beacon expires - currently anyone can access all contents of an unprotected machine/storage when the beacon it’s in becomes ‘wild’ (not sure if that will change by returning the contents to the owner so they can play again at a later date).

I think the shared use is a good idea though - maybe just have all items, throughout the input, queue and output sections locked to the player that put them in. There would still be a few things to consider, even with that - such as what happens to the items if the beacon owner breaks the machine etc.

Reviving this dinosaur. I don’t necessarily agree that we need an @ everyone permission on beacons for the purpose of sharing machines, however, I would love to see a beacon permission for @ everyone for building. I had in mind a project where it would be like the Wailing Wall where tourists from all over could stop by and leave a sign or a block to mark that they were there. I would think the beacon owner should be the only one to be able to remove blocks but anyone could place them.

Having everyone as an access entity is not a good idea in my opinion!
On Sochaltin we have a “public” factory that citizens of the capital can use it, but the permissions are done individually and we have rules based on trust. If you let everyone use the machines you will see stealing as an unintended activity in this game (raised to a professional level :slight_smile: ).
I vote against “everyone” option, but a more flexibility and more options to beacon permissions would be most welcomed. :smiley:

We are asking for "everyone " to be an option. Not a requirement. You dont have to use it if you dont want to. There are plenty of other situations where it would be useful.

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