Increase the maximum grass and foliage distance (For screenshot purposes)

At some point can we have some grass in the distance, simplified grass or optimised grass is better than no grass at all, right now the pop in is a bit jarring with the grappling.

Best answer for this that I can provide to you :wink:

@james: is there a possibility to get a graphic option for turning off tree foliage at all ?
@Heurazio - Yes.

@Vastar - We can likely better balance the LOD steps. Ultimate should really be ultimate!

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Game over, man.

…at least take the queen out before you die… :smile:


I say go for the pigeon move, jump unto the board and defecate all over it, works every time.


i think this answer you post is not the best.

tree foliage is something else like grass,
the discussion from this paragraph was about a completely different theme. (theme was that tree foliage was bigger as 1 block and no shining throw the block)

this part is better, and is correct here. that was @Combatman12 want is a higher LoD ( Level of Detail) level, for better screenshots. and i can understand him.

correct, if you die, kill still so much you can :smiling_imp:

just kill da queen and its a tie

I don’t think you know how chess works xD

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It’s easy - just use the slingbow on the queen and grapple out of there…!


Why is James asking a question that Heurazio is giving an answer for? While is Vastar also making dev decisions? The whole world’s gone mad!

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I actully do and im pretty good at it too. And as far as i know when you have check or what ever its called you move the king or Kill the thing that makes it and kings cant take each other so its a free kill

You would move into check so the king can’t take the queen.


What KuroKuma is saying (with more details provided) is that Black cannot take White’s queen because it would place them into the range of White’s king. So that move is illegal. Black cannot move to any of the surrounding squares to get out of check (including the one occupied by the enemy queen because of the reason in the first sentence), so the screenshot above shows checkmate with White winning.

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@Saint_X I have no idea what you’re saying here, sorry.
@Clexarews I just copied another post asking a similar question with James’ reply in it. It seems that the context got scrambled a little when I did that.

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i say that the first part of your answer is wrong, because it was a complete other question as @Combatman12 ask here.

if someone ask for a apple you cant give him a pear. @Combatman12 ask for a higher LoD that he can make better screenshots and you make a quote of the aswer from james for the question" if it possible that the light shining throw the leafs".

You copy a answer from a complete other question, thats fail.

Ah, I see. I mostly took that as a question about Level of Detail as James answered it with a response about LoD. Combat’s question was also about LoD, so it seemed quite sequitur to me.

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:no_mouth: I’m a bit confuzzled right now

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Good that you understand me now havok. the result of my question was this

Leaf blocks let through some light.

the following part was the answer from james over the LoD level this is correct. but the answer later was over the light shining effekt which one was added with the c++ update 4 now

@Combatman12 the second quote here in this post is the correct answer for your question

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