Introducing: Shard Magic System

It’s a cool system, but i’d rather just want something simple.

cough cough cough

i am first and foremost an rpg player, but i dont think a classic level system would be fitting for this game, i wrote my thoughts on the ideal system here, which would fit amazingly well with your system.

the problem with leveling is just that it usually have an end, which i am fine with in most rpg’s but to a certain extend it feels kinda degrading doesnt it?

i believe in that it is okay that not everybody will do the same, but i think if they choose to master something they shouldnt be pushed down by levels.

example if i smith 1000 swords, i would be pretty damn good at smithing swords, but i wont be as effective in combat as a person who used the time i smithed swords on killing 1000 enemies, he is obviously going to be better at fighting.

now there would for me be 3 different outcoms for ‘‘levels’’ compared to crafters

  1. how good you can become a crafter is purely determined on your ‘‘level’’


‘‘you cannot train over skill 125 in blacksmithing before you are level 25’’

this is usually done in wow. again, i believe you should master what you do, so although i think you have to kill a titan to go to a higher tier, i also think that it would be kind of a shame to force crafters to engage in constant exp grind.

  1. your level determines base stats without equipment, crafting is seperate from this and is locked by time and progress but not by levels.


I am a master blacksmith but i am only level 20 out of 75.

this is in my eyes degrading, because even though he is a master blacksmith he would be just be disregarded since he is only level 20

  1. both combat and crafting gives towards levels,


i crafted 5 iron swords so i got a level from the crafting exp

this i also dislike because why should crafting ever make you stronger and better in combat? thats just a bummer for me.

so again, the post i refered would be a great system for oort in my eyes, because there is a difference on stats from a new player and a master, and the gear is not just given to you for free like minecraft where you can equip everything, but you need to use an item to slowly get better at using it, which allows you to use more powerful gear, giving you better stats.

from what we’re seeing, magic would be more socketed into weapons and tools, so everyone could use it. There would be useful magic that would work as a buff, even for swordsmen and typically non-magic classes.

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well thats pretty much what i wrote, so do you have a reason for pointing it out, or?.,…

also not only weapons and tools, but also armor

i think you might have missed the idea of what i wrote :smile:

Some great ideas, really nicely presented!

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More powerful shard types could also become more expensive.

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im kinda curious. what do you mean with ‘‘more expensive’’?

For trading?

well that would be highly depending on the price the player is selling it for?, unless she means NPC’s, which is not planned atm.

If one estalblishes peer to peer trading and not sort of a trade-depot.

More like either more difficult to find, the area surrounding it is harder to get to, or it requires more items that may or may not be also difficult to find.


even a trade depot would be player set prices, in every sense of the word.

Yeah better gems would be harder to get, makes sense.

And in addition, more required items + higher tier tools required to loot the required items would not only make the shard more expensive but would also reduce shard node monopoly. Which is likely to happen if shard’s difficulty is only dependent in it’s location and tool requirement.

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Sure, only that it culminates in an average price, and not a price based on favoring another player.

That still wouldnt make it ‘‘more expensive’’ since the prices would still be set by players.

but i understand what she meant with it now :wink:

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I would also like to point out i really dont think that rift shards should be a part of the spectrum, since they are more of a crafting material/convenience thing, but that might just be me

ben posted about having 7 different types of magic represented by color.

one thing i think would be neat would be a sort of illusion magic and a sort of summoning magic.

but again, personal opinion.

ben posted about having 7 different types of magic represented by color.
one thing i think would be neat would be a sort of illusion magic and a sort of summoning magic.

Yes, there’s room for more here. Illusion and Summoning eh? What would those do?

Or illusion and spirit rather (i do love my spirit magic) xD

Illusion would have things like a confuse ability that gives a chance of enemies hitting themself

also making 2 clones of the player that looks precisely like the player and will attack the enemy, getting agro from npc creatures and generally make it confusing as heck for other players

would also be a great explanation on things such as a few second invisiblity (make the enemy think you are gone even though you are not)

spirit magic would be a way of using animal spirits (for whatever creatures we are going to get) some summonable and some attack enhancing

summoning, either in physical form

or only as a head.

for buffing it would be imbuing yourself with for example an bear spirit for more strength and reach.

other things with spirit could be a support ability, like summoning a spirit that will bond you and an ally and absorb a percentage of damage into yourself from him.

just thoughts, i really do think we should have some kind of magic to summon stuff, though it could be spread in the other magic types. such as a bird summon which will scout for you in the seer magic or a tree ent that would tank and root enemies from the growth tree.

This is similar to what I had speculated in my magic and technology thread, go into that and look at the conduits of power. I think you’ll find a few similarities, but I agree it’d be cool if weapons could be set up with abilities designed with Oort tech.