Is it just me...?

… Or is Coal in very short supply now? I have been right down to the lava and lower on solum and only found 2x soft coal and 6 times Coal in an hour!!!

Or do specific planets now have a specific resource as the gems do/did?

My point is that there is a lot more copper and even GASP! silver than there is coal

When i started a new character on testing, i also found more silver then coal. :grin:

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With new worlds i believe there are coal planets and metal planets… so maybe they nerfed coal on worlds besides those?

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thanks for the link in

Use the atlases. Coal is like other resources now, In some areas not others. They’ve made cave mining redundant as well. Only strip mining will realistically work for Coal. I’ve Also found that generally the lower you are the more and better coal is found but still not 100% sure about that

well after testing the coal situation extensively (Therka/Solum/Munteen/Vena) i can safely say that Therka is DROWNING in it (almost) compared to the otheres

Remember that this is all WIP, and that hopefully it will change. I do agree, though, that caves are pretty bare at the moment.

Well I’ve dug more silver than iron so there’s also that. Probably about at 1:3 ratio. Seems like there are changes on resource generation and yes coal doesn’t seem as abundant as before.

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Since you need coal for furnaces and spark, hopefully this will be addressed. The only reason I can continue right now is the coal I had already stored. I would have run out otherwise.

I’ve been able to keep up with coal for my own crafting by mining at very low altitudes on Andoweem in the interim. I strongly suspect that it will be fixed with the hotfix they are working on now.

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