Are more updates planned for Boundless?

Is the game moving forward at all? I had the game since the console release and it used to be overly populated now it seems it so quiet anywhere you go. Is there anything new going to to bring more players to the game?


The devs have been quite for a while now. Common belief is that this is due to them working on baldurs gate 3 however we haven’t had any official word as to future plans or the latest update in Testing, so we can’t say for sure.

However there’s still a lot going on in game with arie, Maryx, circus and a few others being usually active (these are only the ones I know) so I would say come to one of those and theres plenty to do until something happens in terms of official announcements


Welcome back to the forums!

since it has been a year for you, I recommend doing a little forum research.
also, it might look empty due to the fact that we have sovereign planets. that will turn the place deserted since A LOT of people are mainly on their sovereign (like me)
here’s some info:

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Yes, all of that should come soon™

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They’re developing a melee weapon update, but since they won’t be making any money from it, they don’t seem to want to go fast.

They have been with her for half a year and not even social networks seem to move with anything anymore.

Soon ™️ Is the word

My prediction (and that’s all this is, people) is that 249 will launch in August and the devs will officially announce a content freeze on the game thereafter that will last 1-2 years while they focus exclusively on BG3.


amazing new updates to come for this game.

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Nice pivot.

So the games dead good to know !!! Glad it’s confirmed.

More like speculated, but okay.

wait, what?
who is dead?
I mean, defeated…