Is there a limit on saved locations?

the info i have seen on this is pretty old and didn’t give a number.
Was wondering how big the list can be per character if its limited…




thank you for quick reply.

second question (didnt want to open a new thread on related subject)

is there a way to “mass craft” locaction tokens?
I don’t want to click 100 times for a stack…
I mean its free anyway I don’t understand why this shouldn’t be a thing.

There’s no mass craft button as far as i know, but there are various ways (like macro/hotkey) to spam click using external tools, and to my knowledge it’s allowed for things like this. Hopefully they’ll add such button in the future, but until then, that’s probably the best you can do to avoid spam clicking.

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I wish this was like a shift+left click ability instead of needing a macro…

Hmm thought macros were now frowned upon unless you have a disability. Would take some digging but I know they made a stance on “bot” like functions

This is getting off-topic, but that depends on the macro. Pretty sure within any game player base, some people won’t tolerate it, some people are fine with it as long as it’s not AFK scripting (aka botting), and some people thinks if there’s no explicit rule then anything is fair game, and some doesn’t care and bots anyway.
From what i know, the official statement is “Macro for helping disability is allowed, and macro/botting that’s ‘avoiding playing the game’ isn’t allowed”, but crafting 30 items in a click is a gray area.
I’d argue that it helps people with disability or even avoid one, and it’s not avoiding playing the game either (hundreds of repetitive UI clicks aren’t content, that’s just bad design), and in fact it makes me play more of the game (because i don’t avoid crafting just because i dread clicking 30 times per station)

Yeah i think you become disabled once you want to mass craft