Is there a way to change the UI scale in World Builder?

I am using a 4k display and I am having a hard time seeing the World Builder UI. I even adjusted the computer to output a 1080p resolution, however the UI still does no change. I am currently using magnifying app on Windows. I was wondering if there was any other way to change the World Builder UI?

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I don’t think so (at least on Windows) - your best bet is probably to drop down to a lower resolution while working in the world builder.

Interestingly, the world builder is behaving as if it’s explicitly marked as DPI aware - but the exe’s manifest doesn’t contain a dpiAware or dpiAwareness element, from what I can tell. I believe the WB may be doing that at run time on purpose (e.g. calling SetProcessDpiAwareness). In the past, it didn’t handle Windows’ automatic DPI scaling very well, and would get confused about the mouse cursor’s position, I think.

That is the weird part, even at lower resolutions the UI is the same size. It is like WB is reading native resolution and not current resolution.