Is this a good zone for Iron?

Still having issues finding iron. So I am posting this pic to help me clarify which are best for flora zones.

@TheCurmudgeon what do you think, on what conditions can we specify if this place is good for mining iron or not?


@Karokendo I think Curmudgeon is asking if that picture is an example of the “flora” biome. Because every time we’ve asked Stretchious, they’ve said that coal spawned most often under grass,plants, and flowers, and in the diagrams it’s said “flora” biome is its most likely where it spawns under.

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I’ve only gone on what was in the game files. It’s an assumption on my part that flora / flora special means grass and plants etc.

I had some luck finding iron (40+ ores) last night in the caves underTherka market and the surrounding areas, which are all grassy areas.

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And now we have hard data, courtesy of James, and now we know Solum has more iron than the other planets. So you’re more likely to find it there, same spawning patterns, just 3x more of it.

And do coal farming in any of the starter planets, but solum

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I didn’t do a good job of asking, forgive me. Maybe biome? Iron I see is good in a flora biome. Is the picture a flora biome.

Really sorry guys but I am having a terrible time finding iron. Just trying to maybe norrow it down for a better chance. That make sense?

The grass area you’re standing on is flora, and I would say the trees could also be classed as a flora biome, but I have no direct evidence to support it.

@TheCurmudgeon No, i’m just saying that when it comes to procedural generation it is all unpredictable :slight_smile: Some grass areas can have iron under it, other may be barren

As Dzchan suggested, try your luck at other planets but solum. You can always visit pixelgate -200 1800 Solum and travel to other planets :slight_smile:

If one place doesn’t work, try the other.

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@TheCurmudgeon, I’ve had a little bit of luck (+15 iron or so in 45 mins) on Elopor by wandering the planet circling mountains. Just bove the base of many mountains (4 or 5 blocks up? Varies), I found good resource (copper, coal, ancient tech and component and finally iron) right on the surface. So basically I’m running around the feet of mountains with my head looking 15 degrees upwards towards them. I found iron on the surface too just staring at me. Just be very careful as there are a bunch of cave openings on the floor and I fell in a bunch of them.


A friend and I went searching for iron yesterday and this is the area we went in on Solum. Together we found around 425 iron in about 2-3 hours.


Amazing, I did try around an area that looked like this after it was suggested

I thought about looking around some other planets

I found 28 iron in half an hour on icy mountains of solum just looking for seams visible on surface.