Joined workshops on moebiusplaza (closed)

Yeah that was me, someone claimed my stuff while I was on holiday :neutral_face:

so you got a name?
i didn play alot with yabo so i didn notice it sorry bout that

Yeah, I forget though. It doesn’t particularly matter, I was just thinking if your selling the plot there, someone else has one claimed

i dont sell plots never i give em away :grin:
i check it out later

Cool :grinning: I will be on the game a bit more now, as my laptop charger for delivered :pray::raised_hands:

oh i forgot bout that thats why i didn se you around :grinning:
come grab a house on the new village if ya want :sunglasses:

Yeah, I will at some point :grinning:

No more rooms free
Thanks you guys was epiccccc :sunglasses:

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hm lot off new stuff sincelast time i made a workshop to use anybody got killer setup to take peep at?




that was confusing bc i always forget to check the date on posts with new activity :smiley:


I’m still searching for that Planet, we all left way too early :innocent:


Man I still remember parts of that area.

Where is Andy btw? Realized his beacon next to my old shop was gone :frowning:

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hes building with prozee forgot what planet hes still playing
visited my new base 2days ago with prozee
for some reason prozee caracter is called testinggame lol

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Aaah glad he’s doing well! Say hi to him from me! :smiley: - Lol prozee weird indeed that character name xD

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Could be a play on words, a variation of “Proceed”.