Knowledge Section

I know this would be very low priority at the moment, but something to think about.

The knowledge section could really use some massaging. It’s kind of a pain to use at the moment. Maybe separate out the different sections into tabs?

I’d also like to see an option to sort by crafting method…Forge, Extractor, Workbench, etc…and by skills needed.

That way we know what tools and what skills we need.

Also, tabs for non-item things. Like world tabs with the found resources (and colors) for each and the top 25 settlements.

This thread may be of interest:

Derp. Read that wrong

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My issue here is; How am I supposed to discover something I don’t know about int he first place?

My best example is food crafting. How am I supposed to know what I can make in the forge? I was eating yam soup and meaty broth for the longest time because I didn’t know about the uses of Edible Lam.

The idea is to get the knowledge BEFORE you build the machines or, more importantly, buy the skills.

I say “more importantly” because getting a full set of machines should be the first thing everyone does, IMO.

I think discovery is quite a good feature honestly, I enjoyed puzzling my way through the game at the beginning, though I can see why some people may not :slight_smile:


I’m all in with discovery of world resources and I think this could be expanded.

It’s just the recipes I’d like fore-knowledge of.

Even though this is an old topic, I feel the same. The knowledge area should be updated sooner or later. For those who are already playing for a longer periode of time, recepies are memorized, but I am only lvl 15 and I have to look up kind of everything.

That is exactly what I am wishing for this Christm … ehm Oortmas :wink:

One more suggestion: It would be cool to add to the knowledge menu the amount of incredients you need to do mass and bulk production.