KREE EMPIRE I Hidden Gems Series [Ep 18] Boundless #voxelgames

Thanks to Kree for the lore behind your guild’s settlement! It went perfectly with the theme!


Thanks so much for coming out and checking out our City!

We put a lot of love into our place we call home. I definitely recommend checking out Club Kree next too, I buy you a drink :cocktail: :wink:. Haha

The first big build you check out was my base and not the guild workshop, though it could be considered with how many people have access to it lol Thanks for the kind words with the build.

We do run daily hunts at 3pm Est. Mostly for Beginners as a T3.
I kinda oversee the hunts for the guild and run the high Tier hunts and am the ranking Exo hunter. We love our Exo hunts at Kree and Do them Weekly as long as they keep giving them to us, new Rift Exo means another one coming this week. =)

So cool watching ya walk through the city :sunglasses:


Yay @PixelatedTwix glad you liked it :heart: Thanks again for taking the time to come check it out.

Sooo much to see and take in hehehe, glad you liked the dark background on how knowhere was created- we had fun creating it.

Anyone wanting to come join in the fight against the universe hit the books and get in touch :tada: WE WANT YOUR SOULS for the supreme intelligence.


Oh and the numbers on the floor in the hunt wing of the hub are for our Raffle at the end of every hunt. Hunters stand on a number if they want to play, and we have a random number generator selector and whichever number it lands on, that hunter wins the prize Raffle :grinning:


Thanks for clarifying! I’ve always wondered what they were for. At first, I thought it was some massive calendar. LOL

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Oh I missed Club Kree. Your base was stunning! I would only hope to have a workshop that well equipped!


Aww thanks! If ya ever feel like showcasing in Workshop wars that be awesome! Plus, underneath of it, in the basement is my color storage. There was a portal to it in the center of my base =)

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I’ll put you on my list! :blush:

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Awesome vid as always! I had my fingers crossed you might wonder past my WIP.
If I ever finish IL let you know :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: