Lenguages at launch

Hi everybody, I pre-order boundless(PS4) and I’m very exited for the release. I want to ask if the game is only in english or if has more lenguage support. I asked because I think more languages often means more people. Thanks and see you next week.

Hi EdWe!

The game will support the following languages at launch…

Thanks, I didn’t find the topic, my foult.

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No worries - there’s so much information on here it can be hard to find sometimes unless you use a specific search term (I had to use “French” to be able to find that post!)

An easier way to check would be that all the languages that will be supported are already partially implemented and can be selected :stuck_out_tongue:

Yup, but not for someone that doesn’t have the game currently… (or can’t login because they’re at work lol)

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Fair point… I forgot it wasn’t Saturday!

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