Let's talk Color rarity

@Tiggs @monty1 How about an awesome Gleambow event for the holidays? Some players haven’t experienced one - and/or a color-cycling Exo :grin: :snowflake: :snowman:


Quoting myself here. Allowing painting of gleam would still allow sprays to sell well and the value of exos are still there as I seldom go to an Exo specifically for gleam, but I do go there for goo for sprays.

It’s an option I suppose.

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We should be able to paint everything. I also think the numbers on goo sustain farming might need tweaking. Either that, or goo should spawn everywhere instead of just on exos.

Wasn’t there something in the update that was supposed to change the sprays to last longer? That might help as well.


I believe the amount of sprays from pigment was increased in the update IIRC

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Wasn’t painting natural resources part of the big update? I know the paint amount was suppose to be increased.
I want those melee weapons and shields (and the expanded skill page) :gemshield: :alloyshield: :axe: :blinkshield: :blinkkatar: :alloymace:


Exos are still the only source of other materials also like blink and resin. So I do not think painting gleam would have a detrimental affect on Exos or on the economy.

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Copied from the update notes

Crafting + Resources + Equipment:

  • Change the way Dripstone drops are converted into Spray Cans so that the number of spray cans produced can be improved via character skills.
  • Added an Epic Skill that allows almost all tintable blocks to be spray tinted other than those that can mutate dripstone crops (avoiding totally breaking the system).
  • Melee Weapons and Shields added to the “CAN GIVE” list so players can get access to them via the debug menu in testing.

So I think the answer is yes


I would LOVE to see rare actual blocks. Not colors. Something to hunt for.
Personally colors should be a gathered item.
There was a comment above about a player basically giving up on a project (and possibly the game) due to strictures on building.

I’m all for challenge. High tier hunts are a challenge. Almost impossible for a single player. There’s your MMO aspect. Community helping each other reach a goal.

The sandbox portion of Boundless is everywhere you look. No lack for that in the game … EXCEPT for the lack of color choices.

There are what, 255 available colors? and I know of 2 that I’ve personally begged, borrowed and sold off stuff I didn’t want to sell to get. Namely White and Red. And I STILL don’t many red. Not enough to do a full build with. And in most cases not even enough to use as accents.

Toss in prestige. So make these wonderful, hard to find, unique in the wild (un-craftable ) ,possibly decorative, building blocks some of the highest prestige counts on a single block so players actually seek them out. This alone would add to the game economy. Some players LOVE the search. Others not so much and prefer buying what they use.

And for special events like they have now, have a select series of event only blocks. Even have a new , special skill that is required to craft said blocks.

Anything but block us from using a color we want. Let us actually BE boundless in Boundless.

Take the same build … switch out the colors and you have an entire new and different look when landscaping and lighting are taken into effect.

Colors … we need ALL of them available to us in reasonable quantities.

Please … and Thank you <3


as a Gleambow hunter for the last week+ with over 150 possible Gleambow triggers, I only got a max of 30 red gleam COME ON! and even these were the max Gleambow level available (6)
I got no clue what the % spawn rate for red is but it’s F#$%@! ridiculous how hard i need to work for just a bunch of red … i got no issues getting other rare colors, just red is not really dropping.
even black gleam drops once in a while, and that supposedly be a rare color until it was sovereign unlocked which was not intended xD


@Huntsman gimme all your red gleam!

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Just give me 40 and I’m happy lol

I wonder if James passed along the lore of the super rare red gleam (even back in EA) to Monty - and will he keep it that way? :sweat_smile:

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:joy: I’m pretty sure of it

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There will be 2 holiday events this year and yes one is the Gleambow races


When the next color cycling exo dough I can’t get the rarest of block colors from gleambow Ma Favorite Verdant Grass xD

What’s this about an expanded skill page?

Awesome! Everyone get yer totems ready! :grin: :gleambowtotem:
happy dance


The big update included new skills & expanded skill pages:

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Am I correct in saying creative builds have all the colors?
So, if one wanted a sandbox only, they could do a creative build. My preference for an MMO overrides my desire to have all the colors, so I will plod along as I can.