Lets welcome Tony and friend to xa frant

That’s still a pretty small cage for the poor guy. But I suppose if it were much bigger he could despawn?

Maybe you could put your alt in the center of his cage-cube to safely make it bigger (just box the alt in to protect him)

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we are expanding the cage to fit his wild behavior needs

as i don’t like to call it a cage but temporarily home

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Took me a good moment to realize Tony now has teeth! He’s growing up!

Host you creep adding teeth to cuttles haha


LOL glad u noticed well he seems happy right :rofl:

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It’s a deepfake!

Besides, everybody knows cuttles eat through their eye holes. That’s why their suck beams pull you into there.

@james can you confirm

Also he needs a water trough and some food (maybe raw meat) in there.

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nope this one is so tame i can place my hand right into his hole…
he has no desperate sucking needs due to its kind behavior and training.
this is an elite type of a special breed and cared for with lots of love!
he is happy and bubbly and is enjoying the attention fully

he gets fed 12x a day and water he often chokes on
he gets his nutritious and moisture from the planet atmosphere

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Video or it didn’t happen

Herein I offer my scientific observations on the specimen “Tony.”

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A rare shot of a gleamtrunk silouette through snowy glass

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Although I could not locate the Mutated Sac commonly found associated with the specimens of the species, I was able to locate a certain anatomical point of interest circled here, which I believe is an orifice of some kind leading into the innards of the specimen. I also highlight two beautiful fins…

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Another shot of the well-protected orifice.

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In this shot all 6 cuttle-acles can be seen, as well as the fascinating orifice…

Unlike certain aquatic species, the gleamtrunk appears to have an awareness of glass, as it does not swim into the glass and recieve speed damage. I have myself confirmed that collisions with glass at high speed result in damage. Due to the long life of the cuttletrunk in captivity versus its short life in the wild (<2 minutes) it is clear that captivity is both humane and helpful for this species.

I hypothesize that the gleamtrunk sense of vision is either nonexistent or is based in the infrared. Despite only a layer of glass between the specimen and its natural enemies the Oortian, the gleamtrunk compass dot is a healthy grey. Although glass is transparent to optical wavelengths, infrared wavelengths can be blocked, which may explain why the gleamtrunk is not hostile. However, I also notice that the gleamtrunk eye frequently rotates, which either reveals a brain capable of rotation-correction, or that the eye is purely vestigial and non-functional. It seems strange to evolve an eye that is frequently rotating. Another theory is that the gleamtrunk is a fully sapient being which understands that the glass protects it. However, in this theory, the gleamtrunk must be very dizzy, since its eye is constantly rotating. This may explain why it is irritable and at times hostile in the wild.

Edit: No response to the wild flashes caused by healing bombs. Not sure what this means. Perhaps healing bombs do not emit infrared light, perhaps the gleamtrunk knows a healing bomb is non-threatening, perhaps the gleamtrunk cannot see the light. All 3 hypotheses remain viable.

Edit: a truly disturbing realization. Despite being enclosed by glass, the gleamtrunk honks can be clearly heard with no reduction in volume. Rather than the honks being a physical phenomenon, I believe the honks are a psychic phenomenon. That is, the cuttletrunk is directly honking into your soul.


Welcome, Tony. Let’s hope you learn how to behave quick enough.

tony was at first sight very scared of its surroundings.
when i grappled him he tends to suck me and spit me out but after he knew i was good people…
he kinda adapted to me and Tony and i had good fun moving him into his new home… he tried to hide under bridges and sneak away at times but hey cant blame him for being a playful booooooy

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thank you very much for extensive info of Tony , much appreciated


No joke i wouldnt mind having an extra hard, extra rare recipe that requires some 500 sacs that enables you to craft a taming augment that tames elite gleamtrunks as a pet that you can order to stay/follow/act as a magnet/shine a light through their eyes, etc. Would be so cool to have some rare/exclusive stuff that require players to go that extra mile for prestigious items.


its only been a couple of hours (6) but i’m used to have tony by our side and to be part of the capital so it would hurt me dearly to see him go when time comes… :frowning:

so i would love to have that

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Devs can’t be heartless as to take Tony away. @Leahlemoncakes teach us some magic that helps us keep exotic animals as pets.


Here’s to Tony, may Xa Frant never suck the spark from your rainbow soul.


I’ll hop right to it !


keep tony around forever Leah :pleading_face:


Tag tony as non-despawnable with a special dev augment


Tony now has more space to enjoy all the visitors!
as you see he likes to peek through the glass
He already likes his new addon.


name that afk alt Tonykeeper

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