Light cube + centraforge = "magic" dice!

The idea is simple- when modified in a centraforge, it would be cool if we could add some wacky new properties to our jingly ol’ light cube! Augments could include a multitude of various dice including d4, d6, d20, d100, or a coin flip. Other neat augments like a “magic” 8ball that speaks in various oortian phrases, various different colors of light, or elemental effects for the light cube. For an item that is typically the first thing that is thrown away, a lot of potentially fun and useful gags could set it apart as a must have in many players collection! (Especially the dice! That would be amazing for rpg or mini games!)


Honestly, I love the idea of fun little additions like this. :slight_smile: I think main features take much higher precedence, but if they’re not hard to make, throw 'em in!


Totally worth the dev time too I hope- recycle the shaking action and the sound, just make the dice or text result pop up in chat. Maybe a simple reskin on the item?


omg yes, especially the various dice, that would be perfect for Role-Playing.


@Havok40k you r a ***************** :snowman_with_snow: ******************** genius

that idea is so cool i don’t even want to propose to change the shape via centraforge and the color like an atlas, putting a rough gem or gleam inside


Dice could be the start of more games so I’d like to see it too. Basic logic blocks like dice could add a lot to the game.


I can only imagine the possibility, for the stuff you could do with dice, not just role playing but also tavern games, and other games of chance.

we could could have cards and dice be items we can make so we can play different tavern style games.

maybe it could include some form of betting, but then again that might be a tough thing to do.

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Betting could be done via trades… just have the tavern door locked before the game begins and nobody leaves untill all debts are payed hehe

Gambling on pvp planets (if that becomes a thing) if they dont pay up… it would be a scifi western fan’s dream… suggest the lightblock be called a firefly then :exploding_head:


For me personally, I’ve been investigating ways to set up a D&D style adventure in Boundless using a few typical and unconventional sandbox game tricks for building and exploring player made dungeons. In-game dice would make these adventures that much more immersive- but there are still a lot of kinks to iron out.


You seasoned RPG player? As in people in one room, master of the game running things, board maybe and a few figures for battle purposes, rolling dices etc. And acting a character through all dialogues and situations most of all.

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Yes! Though for the Boundless adaptation, the one room will be a Discord voice channel, the Game Master will be the Beacon owner, the Board will be built in Boundless, and the figures will be the player’s own avatar! I’d love for dice rolling and character acting to be done in game via emotes and props! So far, combat encounters are still unresolved… vanilla mob combat is too random and boring for a true D&D style adventure, so for now the mobs are paper stat sheets. Roll for initiative!


Side note since you mentioned d&d. Getting ready to teach my older kids how to play 5e. Fingers crossed that they like it.


you start teaching 5e as it’s easy… but pls tell me that once they understand the basis, you’ll pass them to 3.5 :joy:

I still have all my 3.5e stuff somewhere. Gotta find it. Used to run a mix of 2/3.5 with some homebrew back in the day

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we still have the old school dragon strike (the one with the vhs) my 6 year old is already running us on adventures.
I’d totally be down for this idea!
though I never liked 3.5. 2nd edition was always my favorite. thaco and all.

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Thaco was pure evil trying to figure it out.

0 level characters and trainers was pure genius.


I’ve pictured a giant boundless chess set too, with huge man sized pieces (or bigger) that move.

I used to play Warhammer. Also tried Cyberpunk for change and a couple of less known titles over the years.

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loved both!

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