Lighting Poll

I don’t know. Does the planet “light” even affect how things look at night? Is it more atmosphere than true lighting? possible. That is something only the developers could tell us.

yeah everything is dark, you are using black shelves and everything is a dark material, none of it is going to look bright

maybe it might be a bit to dark, but people demanding everything to be changed is not the best way to fix this.

I agree it will not look light/glow but if I have lighting around it should I not be able to at least see it?

EDIT: One of the items you cannot see is the same wood that is one the floor. the light is enough to see the grain on the floor but not to even see the blocks in storage.

yeah, if you can’t see anything that is a problem, but I can see it just fine, maybe instead try to find a better gleam colour that is brighter, rather then complain the system is broken

well it is a shrunken version of it with a different surface being lighted by the gleam, prehaps the floor looks brighter as the lighting would be hitting off of it better, while the walls will look darker due to where the light blocks are placed

I don’t really know how the lighting works so prehaps it doesn’t quite work like that, but a better soloution would be change how the lighting is done in the build, as the build was built with the old lighting in mind, we now have new lighting so some stuff build with the old lighting in mind won’t quite look right.

Or I can not waste hours of time looking for a better gleam and replacing smart stacks of blocks and wait and see if the developers do make a change.


I went through my builds.
I like new lighting.

Maybe instead of tweaking the whole thing, devs could change meshes properties as they seem be the only objects turning out too dark. Storage units slots need to let in more light so we can see stored items better. Plants and boulders also need different reaction to light as they seem to be all made of shadow now.


yeah, maybe it is the meshs not working quite right with the new lighting system

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This seems to be true and is something that I have agreed with.
Doors and machines as well as the other mesh items you mentioned seem to not be handling the light the same way that the regular blocks are.


yeah most likely is the meshes weren’t really designed for the new lighting system, so the change has made them all look to dark, as the mesh is treating it all as if it is in shadows, making it look darker.

I also agree that making different lighting an in-game option will create inconsistent experience. So, better if devs tweak things on their side trying to end up with satisfying enough permanent lighting environment for all.

For the same reason I think there should be no turning off grass option as that also creates uneven playing field. It’s PvE where all players should encounter the same environmental challenges.


James said the dark storage blocks will stay dark, regardless of light & that they are looking at the meshes. Other than that, I think everything else looks amazing.


Honestly. I wouldn’t have dropped $200 on plots the other day if I knew my builds were going to be this negatively affected. Adding torches changes the the over all look of the build to something I don’t like. I already use mainly white gleam and light colored blocks in a lot of my builds. The marble looks bad too imo. Looks too much like ice. And that’s another type of block I use a lot. One of my guild mates is ready to stop playing boundless now too because the new lighting bothers his eyes. Which more or less just leaves me in the guild cause the others are waiting for things like warp wraith and titans. Only good thing his update brought me was placeable fluids and that’s not enough for me to keep wanting to play


There are plenty of games out there that allow people to change Gamma at the start of the game especially on PS4. So I don’t think we should worry about consistent experience in this case.

I just looked at another place that people said was dark and it looked absolutely perfect for me. So we cannot likely find a design that works for everyone…

Gamma is OK. Im talking about complex changes in how light is emitted by different sources and reflected by different surfaces. Something like an option to chose between lighting system before and after last update.

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I agree the new lighting looks awesome… but again (and its definitely stupid and selfish of me personally), display screens vary.

That has nothing to do with the game. A simple brightness level might be useful to some other totally selfish stupid people who didnt build their own monitor to the exact specifications of everyone else.

It could also come with a handy feature where it doesnt force you to change it if you dont want to.

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or people who are visually inpared and may be unable to play due to the new level of darkness


Sorry, i was trolling the trolling. Bad taste, and in hindsight certainly doesnt help and probably only fuels the fire (sorry mods!).

110% agree with you on the accessibilty thing. Its something i do a lot of work around in real life. I actually just helped write a new accessibility policy for our state government to massively improve information services for people with disability. I should know better, aggressive negative people bug me though.

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I know 1 person who cannot see now. They increased their 4k tv settings for the ps4 and it looks worse. Makes everything else too bright. I just tried I on mine and man the game looks like trash. It’s not just the builds it ALOT of stuff. Too shiny or too dark. Like really, I have a ceiling and floor of gleam in a room with mid level green blocks and it’s dark as heck when the room looked amazing before. I’m not happy with you anything of mine after the “fix”


Yea I didn’t get to test changing the brightness on my 4k tv yet but I’m afraid of exactly that happening. Only other game I can recall having issues with is destiny(1 and 2) but they have the option to increase the in game brightness so i do that and no more problems. But sadly I don’t have the option to do that with boundless.