Limit of 9(one stack)wood totem crafted per minute to prevent people spamming others inventory full

Personally I disagree with limiting creation. Rather, I would suggest making unforged totems disappear upon being dropped. Unless if there’s a truly interesting use case for picking up your own or someone else’s trash unforged wood totems? When you can easily craft them for free?


im sure a dev could search for the bug report that you never created with “dissapearing items from workbench” that you told me about.

All Because I moved out of Gellis prime to a rival settlement.

you where never really in the settlement, alot ppl joined and lefted, why should i only and exact accuse you with that, and not others? :>

enough dirt wash washed to me :slight_smile: i know, you know. case closed. (and thread also i quess soon)

Fantastic Idea :smiley:

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Soulbound Unforged Totems xD

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Another suggestion would be making totems only visible to the person who dropped them. If they wanted to trade them with someone they can go the traditional route. There is also a similar mechanic already with breaking gleamblocks.

This was referenced here

As you can see other times its been an issue and people consider it harassment.


Closed at the request of the OP