Load world color profile from file

It would be nice to be able to save rental planet color configs either inside the live game, or even to your desktop, then be able to load the colors again.

I tried to see what all new colors were available last night, did some poking around testing out colors, then couldn’t remember what I had them set to initially (some weren’t default). It would have been nice at a minimum to have a “cancel color change” button but better yet would be a list of all previously finalized color selections that you could load from.

Alternatively it would be nice to be able to save a file with the colors, edit it, share it, upload it to the game. It would still check against the available color list and give an error if you had a color in the file that wasn’t selectable yet. This would be nice for community events, such as a holiday where a bunch of people or guilds temporarily change their planets pallets to all be the same. Or for seasonal rental worlds where you can easily jump between the different pallets according to the time of year.

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(also let me buy an early color change for my planet, someone brainstorm a price)

$10, just buy a new one :upside_down_face:


If you have a api post about your planet on this forum that also contained the color data when you finalized it, you could reference your post for your list of colors. It won’t update until someone actually scans the planet after color changes and then the post has to be modified, so its a manual process.

For example: [Gaia] --[T6 - Fierce Coal Sovereign World]-- [Active]

Its a good workaround until the devs do add such a thing should they want to.

While not easily available via any currently available tools, I also track color changes to Sovereign worlds over time as well. It still requires you world to be “rescanned” so the colors can be uploaded again, but if your previous colors were scanned at one point in time, they are available via Boundlexx. Feel free to DM me if you want me to dig into the color history for a planet for you.

Cancel color change and (public) color profiles would be nice to have. :slight_smile: