(Logic) The bigger the sign the more text(characters) it could hold

Yet we are stuck with the same amount of text limit either 1 or 2 or even 30 sign modules no matter how big ya go the sign can just hold that 128 characters

NOTE: The text above is 145 characters

So how about the bigger the sign the more it characters it could hold even tho we have additional text
I’m pretty sure many of us squeeze in the most words onto the sign itself lol


Small 128 characters
Medium 256 characters
Big 512 characters

That’s just what I’d like to see


And please with more chars per sign possible I would love more formatting options!

Like :italic: :bold: :centre/center: :size=20:, etc.!


And if we could add emojis like :arrow_right: and all the images for items that appear in the knowledge base that would be even more fantastic!!!


Lol :joy: you can almost say its a Dutch suggestion :wink:


Would like the ability to fit more in a sign but not only the sign. :wink:.
Most places where texts can be added have a very low text count to fit anything decent in it especially when you are using color codes.

[edit] might be helpful if color codes had an alternative code. In stead of full name or hex.

Like :#1: its the same as :#black: and saved 4 char.


Agreed, I have wanted this for a while now

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I would appreciate that too! The signs in Boundless are very limited, compared to other games of the genre.

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Scrolling/blinking text signs +more what I suggested a while back and I doubt we get it lol we can only pray upon the oort gods

Or if it was in the same spot as bold, rotation, etc. Should just be unlocked there if we have GC that way it takes up 0 characters and will display properly no matter the language Setting

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Would be a good option but has one problem.
If you want to use multiple colors in a text.
Might be easier if they add the ingame numbers (assigned to each color) to the color code for texts. Don’t know because i ain’t a programmer but i ingame colors already have a number assigned to them.

Problem is some of the best colors cost at least 9 or more characters. :#000000: or :#luminous yellow: for example. If in game color numbers could be added it would already save char. :#200:.

GC can add color to their text but we lose char. in the process. “You can add color to your text but only can write half of a sign”. Don’t get me wrong. But really fair it is not.

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Yeah no, :#red: is nice and all but it’s way softer than :#ff0000:

With RGB codes we have way more colours to work with for the text, otherwise we only have 255. I would not be a fan.

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I’m not suggesting to remove :wink: but to add.
Love the massive options that :#000000: codes provide and are sometimes beter to use then the :#color: codes.
But for example if you want to use a color in the beacon most times you end up limited because of the “big” color codes.

So if we can shorten the in game colors by number or add number option to in game color.

For example if the option could be added.
:#black: or enter alternatively :#001: or some other code mix. That way we have 3 options to add color to a text and choice to save characters. Or at least that GC holders don’t loste characters wile we use color codes.

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Using the color names is not preferable imo because they only work with one language file & are often entered incorrectly. This is the reason you’ll sometimes see the code instead of color text when going to some settlements.

I think adding more characters to signs that are, 2+ modules in length, might be a good solution. As @AeneaGames mentioned, I too have noticed that the text colors in-game are not as saturated as true hex code colors. :#red:#ff0000

Personally, I wish they’d add support for unicode symbols :blush: (or a font file with classic webdings)


I think they should remove support for word colors like :#red, and make everyone use hex codes, like :#772211, until they fix it.