Lonely on Andoweem - Friends?

I’m all lonely here in Tjentzu on Andoweem given that our town is not very large yet and pretty sure I’m in an opposing time zone to my compatriots, I was wondering if there is anyone who might be interested in being my friend and playing/going on adventures with me~? Or anyone who may be interested in moving to Tjentzu that could use some help? ^^

  • Your Friendly Neighborhoud KAHNQUEROR

what is your Time Zone exactly? (GMT/UTC - 5h here) Andoweem is one of my fav planets… however I always seem too tied up with other projects to ever build there (its under-population doesn’t help ether… and there was that one time i got stranded there due to a portal closing ><)

however since there is a town there now, i may have to make time ^^


You are always welcome to set up a little base here. I am sure me or the current residents here would love to help you find a little spot where you can have a 2nd home, or 3rd or 4th home.:wink:


I’m on Pacific Standard Time, pretty sure, might be Mountain Time, but either way, thereabouts.

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You’re only +/- 1 from me. And Elop Portas has people active during the usual times to play

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as far as i hear Ando is an Australian server - a nice trick i found (to maximize my meet and greets) is to have at least one beacon on every world i visit - i have yet to return to Ando (@ Tjen) due to trying out a build on muteen

But yes Elopor seems to be where most of the action is (that and therka - around the market)

I’m on mountain time so we’re probably pretty close with time zones. Let me know if you want to play!

I’ll be your friend :innocent:

hit me up, haven’t started my build in Tjentzu yet while i wait to see what the rest of the shops look like, but i’m literally just doing random ■■■■ all day for the most part lol

still got to re-claim a few more before i can start saying its worth building (on - i meant on) another planet - i should be good to build near Tjenz tomorrow at some point

Yes i am GOD and i build planets

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Thanks so much for the responses all~! Would love to be friends with everyone who wants to, and very excited to see more people in Tjentzu~!


what’s the co-ords of tjen please? ty

Well, my shop which is part of Tjen proper is 987, 379. :slight_smile:

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sorry forgot to mention (myself @ToothlessGamer) finally found it and is starting to get set up mountains behind tjenz

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