Looking for a magicvoxel designs and inspirational screenshots (big project artistic freedom) and a farming tester and logistics manager

if you can come up with cool designs let me our @Creegle know we planning a huge building where the united farmers guild will have there temple off goo
maybe we can cultivate the goo on our around the building
the inside must have room for a storage system and a spraypaint machine system
its plotted in a huge zone in the middle off 12plus farms

also need a player testing farming on testserver
so we get some advice about how to build it :nerd_face:

if you a dude that can run guildsystems feel free to hit us up aswell if you in meantime make a little profit on the side in doing so we def dont mind :wink:

also post some cool images if ya wonna inspire us im looking at stuff like this atm lol