Looking for builders

Some of you may be familiar with the https://forum.playboundless.com/t/plans-for-a-themed-city/10239/231project founded by @Cookviper. For anyone who has been following the build you may have seen that we’ve made some pretty good progress. We are happy to announce that plans to open the city are near, but there are a few last details we would like to hammer out.
To get to the last stages of development we need to add 2-3 additional builders. We would love to hear from anyone that is interested in joining this massive project.
Please post here or contact us privately if your interested. We would like to view a current project to gauge your the skillset as a builder. Eventually all will have the opportunity to be part of “The City of Steam”, but for now we’re taking great care to grow in the right way so it will be an amazing place to visit for everyone in the future.

  Thank you all

Nicely said @KKBell, I would also like to add that there will be a bunch of completed buildings available for individuals who aren’t interested in building but simply wish to be a resident in the city.