Looking for GreyBic (Solved)

I made a moosesteak thinking I was building my base far from anyone else… Apparently there is a single plot that didnt have enough prestige to show up initially as a “town”… I am searching for GreyBic I am willing to pay you to move this mining spot and help you move it… Its totally my bad but im already WAY too invested in this massive base to move it… Any help getting in contact with them would be really appreciated.

The beacon is located on Alcyon.


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@james please incorporate the mailbox system into the beacons :frowning: this would really solve a lot of problems when trying to communicate with players.


oh thank you, wasnt sure if their name was the same on the forums… really shoulda just tried that myself eh?


All good :slight_smile:

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Lucky for you greybic is cool, so you’re probably ok


ill pay him an absurd amount to move this beacon lol I am finally building a base just for me on a high tier world because I thought I wouldnt run into beacons… I didnt even consider mining outposts :frowning: lmao boy did I goof. Im glad he is a currently active player though… so many people GC and cant be reached.

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Yeah you need to run around with plot map up for hours to find a good spot

This has been asked for by many people… actually where when you are in any plot you can go into the menu, select the beacon under the places area and select message. Maybe one day it happens.

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yeah totally i am actually Reclaiming all those spots!
no money or payment needed bro!
i can reclaim it today as the event is now over and i can get back to normal boundless activity’s


THANK YOU!!! you rock!


Just pulled it man!
Happy building!
just wish more people would move little stuff/ land claims as EASILY as i just did.
