Looking for maryx/bitula guild to join

Hi I’m looking for a guild to join on bitula mostly but maryx works too. My main base is on maryx and have been wanting to branch alt to bitula for the resources as maryx only has limited basic ones.

The highest I’ve ever mined was gold ore. So I can’t really progress much more until I can have permanent access to bitula or another planet

Come to Iconic-Iconic [ICON] Guild Mega Thread: Recruiting new players

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We be the place. Message me in the forums or anyone on discord to learn more.

Join the deep blue sea.

You are welcome to move to Axon on Biitula… not a guild…but a nice city with lots of open space. Postal Seekers Biitula hub go to the large city gate marked AXON… anywhere along the extensive road network is fine. Our hub is a nice transfer station for Portal Seekers, Planet Express, Hubbit network ,etc giving you easy access to a variety of locations on every planet in the Boundless universe.

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theres a crew there look for awkward town on maryx
they run a pretty awesome gleam farm plus network and are pro’s :smile:
@Alastair66 new recruit :smile:
i also have a build nearby with a portal to the aquatopian embassy
so you be linked up pretty good there

ow btw the embassy hub is linked to olmost everything (plaza has massive portal that leads direct to center off the worlds hub ultima aquarius) and for you from maryx the fuel cost is only one shard an hour
pretty good deal if ya ever open a portal

pm and get on the aquatopian discord then i can sponsor ya first portal for the first weeks :smile:

also could you tell what ya like to do and what ya want a guild to do for you i run aquatopian guild(laidback group)

If you’re worthy you can join Reapers. Not on the planets you want. But we’re a group of active players. I try and help all my guild mates and others too with advice and cheaper prices on forged gear. There is no obligation to build near us or donate anything. We have level 1 and 2 buffs going. And if you complete the Trials and join I let you pick an item out of my shop for free. Located on Gyosha Ophin. Good luck. :beers: