Looking For settlement

Hi. Looking For this one place… I think it was In lower tier planet. Pretty small settlement… Dont remember was it part of something bigger… I doubt.
There was few of these Viking look houses (picture) there.

Looking For it just wanna check it… Anyone know it? Or does this ring any bells For someone?


It used to be on Trior I’m guessing might wanna check out @Shadykatt34 -chans Kingdom it was there but she similar to what I think of what your thinking

Thanks. Ill check it

Isnt that the Brandywine?


I know brandyvine… Just thought cookie meant that is outskirts from it Or something

Seen something similar to that awhile back boogi! Don’t think it was on trior! Good luck with your search tho :wink:

not helping :F

I have found this on screenshot thread @Buugi


I think thats the place.

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You might like to wander about Gellis yourself to find it, since it’s a nice planet for a stroll anyway. :slight_smile: Unfortunately it seems I didn’t take any helpful screenshots that had the name of the place or anything.

However, while I don’t recall any exact directions or coordinates to the place, if you do want help finding it I can try to trace back my steps there or check if I did keep any coordinates to some other place near it.

I can’t say I remember who the owner was though I did see them once or twice.

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No problem… Hope its still there! You alrdy helped me a lot.
Think Ill start from all block museum… I assume its the TNT one… I really hope its not the previous one cause its possibly dust

little update. i found it!