Looking for shop that sells forge ingredients

Need shop that has compounds and stuff.


Thx alot man!!
Stock was alittle low but got enough stuff to finaly try my hand at forging.

So fun!!!

Everclear store. I forget how to get there though. Nid is great.

np :slight_smile:

Went there too, spent like 90k.

Made alot semi ****** forged gear (by my buying standards)

I just cant seem to get the damage boon…

Its all for sale in my store: «Tomir’s» portal the bottom of ultima mall hub.

I sell of stuff fairly cheaper then others methinks. :slight_smile:

Skyforge bazar on Tana, fastest way is through the legendary Tana hub, one portal is marked Skyforge. Flower healing is the portal at the main aqua hub.