Looking to buy decorative gem blocks

I’m looking to find decorative gem blocks at a decent price for a planned build. I’ve found the prices varying wildly. Lowest I’ve seen is 550, which I bought all 3 of. Highest I’ve seen is 4,000. If anybody knows where I can get more for close to or better than the lowest I’ve found so far, I’d appreciate it.
My main character is Pender, and I’m currently the Viceroy of Malurialakrib. I’m looking to make some beautiful and flashy sights for people to see here on Malurialakrib. I’ve already begun by building a glass sky bridge from my building on the hub. I haven’t built my city at the end of the bridge yet because I’m still gathering all the materials I want.
Building on Malurialakrib means I don’t get many visitors. I’m trying to change that by making it so people that don’t have hunters, but still have the volatile protections, can see some of the sights and experience this world I’m fond of without having to worry about those pesky t6 critters. I’m also going to need a ton of glass, but I’ll use my alts to farm the coal, soil, and sand, so I’m not really looking to buy that. I need it for a glass tower I want to build. I might set up a donation basket for glass, but I feel bad asking for anything for free, so I likely won’t. (I want to give people a fun and beautiful way to earn the falling without being defeated achievement/trophy.)
If you would like to see what I’ve done so far, first you’ll need volatile protections of 4 or higher, then take the Portal Seekers Hub to Malurialakrib via running straight forward through several portals once you pass through the Delta Cancret portal from Gyosha Ohpin. When you get to Malurialakrib via the Portal on Alcyon, exit the hub building by going out the door to your left, and you’ll see my building on the right. The bottom 2 floors are glass. Go up the stairs to the machine room that also has glass walls and out the door behind the stairs to the raised gleam porch. The floors that are walled off behind doors are because I have test builds and sculptures in them that I don’t want on the hub itself anymore. (I’d like to move most of my stuff to the new city once I get the mats to build it so that the person that owns the Portal Seekers Hub can have his rank back as Warden of the settlement he started while I build my own settlement.)
I have the path walled in so that once you get in my building, you can go all the way to the end of the glass bridge without any danger from the creatures. It ends at my new beacon with the starting plots (but nowhere near all the plots) for the city laid out, but nothing built and most of it not even cleared for the build yet because I still need to make my miner now that I’ve switched my main to a hunter. The bridge is plotted by one of my alts. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t all my main’s plots to ensure that the settlements are separate.

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Volatile protecting pies are on sale in new leyden market on Gellis; these boost your protection score by 3 for (i think) 40mins. At 399 each its worth it if you dont have the protection skills or points to cover them!

In also stocking all levels of the atmospheric foods in the back of the BRGR on ultima for people who need less points but would like to take a tour of your place, which is a very nice idea i might add

Thank you. I had some negative experiences on my starting world. A player in the settlement I first built in came over and yelled at me that my builds were ugly. He did it almost daily. So I moved to a higher tier world and am starting to make pretty builds now that I’ve learned more of the mechanics. I have a diamond shaped building on Flan behind the treasure chest that’s going to be a gleam shop eventually. I’d like to be able to share them all with the community, but felt the need to move to higher tier worlds to escape the troll. He was arguing with a friend of mine over my friend becoming Warden of the settlement, but I never did anything to him to warrant his insults. Being on these higher tier worlds can feel a bit lonely at times, but I refuse to let one mean person ruin my experience. I mainly only see my soon to be clan members stop by. So your protection foods are awesome and greatly appreciated. I’ll have to come get some for my shovel and axe guy so I don’t have to keep changing his protections to gather materials while he levels.

Which types of decorative gem are you looking for and in what quantity?

I’m looking for everything except diamonds. Malurialakrib has all the diamonds I need. The amount will really depend on the price, but not a ton of them. Just enough for some decorations and accents to builds and sculptures. So 10 to 20 of each maximum. I’m not exactly swimming in coins right now, so I know it’s going to take time to accrue them. I’m hoping someone knows of a shop selling them for reasonable prices and not thousands of coins each.

Thanks everyone. I’ve been sent some messages with some pointers and found someone to get my gems from. You all are the best. I’ll post some more stuff about Malurialakrib once I get me city going.