Make (over) 50,000c an hour!

Oh snap! That’s some good coin for berries, I’m a berry picker now ya’ll, whoop whoop

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No takers yet? still 86,000 to be had!

Hell, Im gonna go farm some =P

Won’t be back on until Monday UK time but I already have half a stack so hopefully you will still be buying

I took advantage of a couple of stacks worth. :slight_smile: Not a bad little haul for very quick work.

If I may ask, why all the starberries? Does it have to do with the Halloween stuff? Just curious, not planning on doing anything myself. :wink:

Starberries are used to make syrup. It’s a semi new recipe and best use of starberry.

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They are part of an economy experiment. So I need enough stock to “set it and forget it”

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Sorry got side tracked with my build lol, was meaning to help

3rd basket up! 120k total to be had

I might get on tonight, if I do is this still going for 3c each? If I can get a new axe decently priced I’ll go get some for you.

Edit: I have a couple stacks of sap from farming wood so let me know when those go up. Also if you’re selling the bones cheapish I could use some.

yup, still about 110k left

Baskets now giving 4c per Starberry, faster coinage!

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I can try it today evening

i was not able to find such a place with a ground out of plants, i remember those from goold old therka but could not find them here

Arie is where i farm

I just saw this! I won’t be on for a while but definitely be checking this out

Updated the OP with the New location of The InfiniPlexx Portal. NE Corner of the new Ultima HQ Mega-Shopping Hub… hopefully the last move. cost another 450 oort =P

Which planet?

Raxxa, thru the Raxxa Ultima Portal. Cant miss it

Edit: Oh! Did you mean what planet Ultima HQ is on? Finata. The new hub is a big hole in the middle of the area, just go to the NE corner. Big Portal there

I meant which of the ultima hubs! Found you though not from finata.

its in the new area that they are actually building out, under the tower with the 4 big portals