Make (over) 50,000c an hour!

i was not able to find such a place with a ground out of plants, i remember those from goold old therka but could not find them here

Arie is where i farm

I just saw this! I won’t be on for a while but definitely be checking this out

Updated the OP with the New location of The InfiniPlexx Portal. NE Corner of the new Ultima HQ Mega-Shopping Hub… hopefully the last move. cost another 450 oort =P

Which planet?

Raxxa, thru the Raxxa Ultima Portal. Cant miss it

Edit: Oh! Did you mean what planet Ultima HQ is on? Finata. The new hub is a big hole in the middle of the area, just go to the NE corner. Big Portal there

I meant which of the ultima hubs! Found you though not from finata.

its in the new area that they are actually building out, under the tower with the 4 big portals

can you share some coords? i just found small floating things :frowning:

Starberries are from trees, I think. When I cut down trees and chop up foliage to get it out of the way I get starberries. Yams I get from the plants that gives us the leaves.
I wish I had known earlier about you buying these items; was picking up some left over items at a outpost I won’t be going to go to anymore and tossed about 50 tallow because I needed the room.
Another item I see as a pain to get rid of is copper. I go to a lot of level 1 planets as I’m not good at killing the critters. Better than I was when I started, but in mining to get coal and iron, and some of the stone I want, I have so much copper that I have at times considered tossing it. I now ignore copper when I am mining.

Thought for a moment, don’t tell them the starberries are in trees, LOL that way I can go and get a bunch and make some money. But, nah, just isn’t right, beside who knows when I can get to your store.

827N 947E (Planet Arie)

Sorry was on a long meteor hunt =P

Do I have to be the one to playfully point out that your buy price is half of your sell price? I know it’s really small number, that’s why I said playfully point out. Higher priced items people would throw a fit if the sell price was double the buy.

you could point that out. There was much discussion on setting those prices, we found out that someone was buying @7c, so thats where it sits until i can get that person to lower their buy price.

Please, feel free to join the discussion at:

Your input would be valuable

Edit: Before we found that out, it was set at 4c/5c. Which is where i would like it to return

Edit2: or maybe 4c/6c…

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That’s what the Biome looks like from space, the Green with Brown spots if you would like to find more spots where the ground is covered in Foliage. Plenty to go around on Arie =D

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With the tax included, can’t do too much to be honest.

tax doesn’t kick in if you have the epic until you start selling something @14c. Trying to see how many items i can keep under that line

Edit: Its a long read i know, but that was also discussed in the CITE post

oki thankies, ill give it a try today evening =)
since i dont have 3x3 axe ill use fast brew and copper axe :smiley:

Got myself a 14k aoe titanaxe yesterday farmed 7101 berrys made some nice cash bought a aoe hammer and still 18k coin left. I started the whole thinng whit 27k thx crete. Will fill your baskets soon again.

No thank you!

And thanks to everyone else who helped as well!

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By the way i sold another 10k of cherrys to you your baskets are out of coin, let the wheel of coin roll again. Its great to have this income paid for my two 3x3 gem hammers and another 3x3gem axe. And still coin left.

My weekend mining will be great. Thx crete