Max # of Guild Members - people have to buy Gleam Club to join now?

Do guild factions have their own pop limits? Maybe that could help?
I’m really not sure, just thought it could be a possible workaround.

I believe every GC member brings one more bonus place
in your case probably for several people the GC expired so you end up with having overfilled capacity.
You would need to go down under 136 members to accept new ones.
Every alt counts as one member (I noticed when joining my guild I am taking significant space with adding my alts)

The theoretical bonus cap of 400 would mean that 400 of the members have GC. [Edit wrong calculation]
I think the logic shall be changed to allow the GC member join always unless the 400 cap is reached.

The guild allows you to see when the person was last online, so you can filter those who did not play for months.


I thought sub guilds just fixed all this stuff?

You have to be in the main guild to be in the faction.


No can join any of the factions either.

I’m not going to cull members based on who was here last.

If the guild capacity is 400/500, then it needs to be 400/500 - especially since all of our alts count. Not some number slightly over 100, depending upon who has what type of account or when they last played…


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Weird I thought you could join no matter what if you have GC.

Hopefully this thread gets some attention for this issue.

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it means you can have 100 base members and 400 gc members at guild i think (100+400=500)
you see"
max base - 100
max members-500
bonus capacity 36/400 (gc members)

gc members counts over limit, so you can still have 100 non-gc

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I know what it means :+1:t3: …I think it’s too restrictive and doesn’t make sense because every player can have several alt/sub accounts.

Since alts count towards the total, you could hit the cap with 10-20 players

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100 is a fine cap, if it was per account (not per alt).

I hope they make that change.


i though if you had 3 alts you have enoughf skills for everything. or let it be 4…
so you can easely make an guild with 33 people with all skills for them.
But everyone makes upo to 10 alts… yeah … great

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100 characters…including player’s alts…which could be only 10-15 actual accounts/players